E15 | Tim Caron: The Flaws With “Free” Advice & Why You Should Put Skin in the Game

E14 | Noël Brand: Strain, Sacrifice and Self-Awareness

E13 | Jamie Lafler: Patience, Self-Presentation & Employability

E12 | Mike Meegan: An Army Ranger’s View on True Leadership & “Mental Toughness”

E11 | Vulnerability In Leadership

E10 | Kurt Hester: Coaches or Clowns: Motivational Theatrics, Ethics & Standing Up for Your Values

E9 | Matt Bertsch: Why We Need to Quit Overlooking High-School Strength & Conditioning

E8 | Molly Binetti: Accepting Criticism, Humble Beginnings & Being a Professional

On Episode 8 of the Art Of Coaching podcast I am joined by my long time friend Molly Binetti to talk about being a Pro strength and conditioning coach. If you aren't familiar with Molly she is [...]

E7 Dr. Matt Jordan: Walking the Line of Being a Presenter, Coach & Researcher

Authenticity is a word that gets tossed around often in the world of social media, but few actually live it. On Episode 6 of the Art of Coaching Podcast, I am joined by someone who is sincerely [...]

E6 | Brianna Battles: Women in S&C, Setting Professional Boundaries & Finding a Mentor

Authenticity is a word that gets tossed around often in the world of social media, but few actually live it. On Episode 6 of the Art of Coaching Podcast, I am joined by someone who is sincerely [...]