E242 | Annie Duke: Quit! – The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away

E241 | Lachlan Wilmot & Karl Goodman: How to Build Your Team & Scale Your Impact

E240 | The 4 Styles of Communication

E239 | Dave Hollis: Facing Your Demons & Coming Back Stronger

E238 | Brianna Battles: Cut the B.S. and Put Yourself Out There

E237 | Dr. Celia Hodent: What the Psychology of Video Games & UX Can Teach Us About Building Buy-In

E236 | Kat Salazar: The Science Behind Building Better Teams & Humans

E235 | 7 Ways for Coaches to Make More Money

E234 | How to Motivate a Lazy Staff

E233 | Richie Incognito: The Secrets to Becoming One of the NFL’s Best