In Art Of Coaching Podcast, Podcasts

We’ve heard it all before.  Stay calm. Relax. Carve out some time for yourself.

But let’s face it – stress is part of the human condition. Is there anything we can realistically do to manage this force that has the potential to wreak havoc on our lives?

Our guest today has fought this battle and emerged a better version of himself.  Taylor Somerville spent 15 years in the investment business, but the stress and anxiety of it left him deep in burnout .  So, he left that all behind, and in 2018 he founded Symmetry, a company that helps organizations, athletes, and individuals across multiple spectrums improve their own stress management, performance, and overall health and wellness.  

In today’s episode, we discuss:

  • What it takes to pivot in your career 
  • How to find your audience and cultivate your niche
  • Strategies and tools to harness the power of breathwork
  • How reframing can be a powerful tool for stress management

Referenced Resources:

If you’d learn more about Taylor and Symmetry’s services, visit and follow them on Instagram at 

Today’s show is brought to you by Momentous.  When it comes to your health, the best thing you can do is control the controllables. And that is why we are proud to partner with companies like Momentous, who remain focused on providing and developing products that will keep your body running at its best. If you’re looking for a way to boost your protein intake, elevate your workouts, or supplement your diet, use code: BRETT15 for 15% off your order.


This is also our last call for The Apprenticeship in Phoenix April 20th-21st.  Bookmark our Live Events page so you’ll never miss a date!

Referenced Material:

Entrepreneur Essentials: Pt 1, Pt 2, and Pt 3


Brett Bartholomew  0:11  

Whether you’re a people pleaser, who struggles with hard conversations or saying no, somebody who wants to be better at negotiating in general, or you just want to improve your ability to think on your feet, the apprenticeship can help. This is our two day workshop. And it’s the final call for our one in Phoenix, Arizona on April 20, and 21st. Now, we’re only running two more apprenticeships this year. So if you’ve been waiting for me to come to your area, I mean this lovingly and respectfully, it’s not happening this year. We’re doing a lot of homebase because I’m working on a new book. So this is your opportunity. And it is open to all professions all age levels, this is a chance for you to work on having harder conversations, being able to deal with conflict. 


So whether you lead a team or you’re just somebody that wants to get better in the moment, come and check it out. If you have questions, you can reach out to, two days highly interactive, and for anybody that knows, there’s always room to improve, and how we communicate during some of life’s toughest moments, don’t risk your relationships, go to, now. Support for today’s show comes from Momentous. It doesn’t matter whether you’re somebody that wants to be 80 years old, and be able to play with your grandkids. Or if you’re in your 20s. Now you just want to be able to push harder and longer. Or for that matter, even if you’re just a stay at home parent and you want her to not get sick as much when you’re being around your kids. 


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Welcome to the Art of coaching Podcast. I’m Brett Bartholomew. And at a young age poor communication nearly cost me my life. Now, I help others navigate the gray area of social interaction, power dynamics and communication so they can become more adaptable leaders regardless of their profession, age or situation. This podcast is for everybody who is fascinated with solving people problems. So if you’re in the no nonsense type who appreciates frank conversations, advice you can put to use immediately and learning how others navigate the messy realities of leadership. You’re in the right place. I’m glad that you’re joining us. Let’s dive in.


Today’s conversation is all about stress management. We often get told, Hey, remove stress from your life, relax, try not to have so much stress. That’s impossible, you’re going to have stress. You need stress to adapt and evolve. And that’s why I could think of no better person other than my friend Taylor Somerville to have on. Taylor is a breath and performance coach and the owner of Symmetry. He works with organizations, athletes and individuals across multiple spectrums and helps them really learn how to meet the moment. Now this isn’t one of those things where he’s going to tell you, hey, breathe in through your eyes for 20 seconds, hold it until you choke, breathe out, he gives very, very practical strategies. 


So whether you’re somebody that just has trouble sometimes managing aggression, managing your response to things, managing emotions, it doesn’t even have to be aggression or a heightened response. Sometimes just being able to take a beat, recalibrate, and recenter. Taylor is the person for you. We have a lot of fun here. We also talk about when did he get into this? How did he get into this and what was it like pivoting from a safer industry? This is somebody that had a job had an established career and left it to go do this and I know there’s no many of you listening that can relate to that. So if you’re interested in stress management or you know somebody in your life that could use a little bit of that, tune in, pay attention. Let’s lock and load. 


I’m sitting down with Taylor Somerville Taylor. It’s always a pleasure. Nice to see you.


Taylor Somerville  5:18  

Good to see, Brett. Thanks for having me. 


Brett Bartholomew  5:20  

Yeah, listen, I want to cut right to the chase. And I told you this. For anybody that doesn’t know Taylor and I are good friends. And one thing that I really appreciated about him is, we live in this age of optimization and hype cycles about everything. And I’d love to know like, because you’re somebody that’s never really got into that you teach in a very practical way, you have something that very much can make a large difference in everybody’s life. That said, you don’t try to sell it, like some panacea, I just feel like so much. 


And I know our audience agrees with this, because they write in about it a lot. It feels like in a day and age, everything is shoved down our throat, I’d love to know. And we start with the gold. Just what even informs the way you coach, how did you get into the breathing space, talk a little bit about just these things as the audience starts to get to know you. Because we all appreciate hearing about other people’s coaching styles and journeys.


Taylor Somerville  6:16  

Yeah, that’s how I got into it from dealing with a lot of personal and professional stress, anxiety, myself, spending 15 years in the investment business very young, I was on a trading floor. So very high stakes environment. Waking up at 4am, staring at computer screens all day, then went through a divorce and just really struggling with my ability to handle life in general and reality, the ups and downs and got into it to help me and started using the techniques. And notice, man, I was at this point, probably 35 years old, 34 years old. Like I’ve never even really heard about this stuff. 


Now I’m starting to use it like, Why haven’t I been taught this last 30 plus years? Growing up in the South, obviously, we didn’t teach things like that. And realize there’s a lot of power to this, I was able to ground myself much more calmer state of mind able to kind of ride the waves and not let as many things worry me. And so now, I started I left the investment business in 2017 started Symmetry in 2018 Really coaching other people. Now after doing a lot of training myself, I really kind of go down into the research side, the the science side of it, but like the other aspect too. And back then, in Memphis, Tennessee, people were somewhat like, you’re a little crazy. Why are you quitting your job at this great company to do this,? 


But people who knew me well, we’re like, oh, we we could kind of see something like this coming. And now it’s a little bit everywhere. You know, so one of the things asked was a you know about like kind of hype cycle, as you see so often on Instagram or social media, somebody’s talking about something whether it’s related to ice baths or breathing, and it’s just like, so out there. I’m like, well, that’s not true at all. But, I look at it more of these are tools. And they’re tools that most of us aren’t, weren’t taught. And if you just know a little bit about it, you can make big changes and not having to sit down and do a, you know, 20 30 minute breath session. Because a lot of benefit, just doing one, two minutes. 


So we’re learning how to breathe properly, as you’re moving throughout your day, more than anything, that’s what we work on with a lot of clients is just kind of creating some space between your day, especially if you’re on meetings on Zoom, staring at your computer all day. And just get away from that for a little bit and create small little shifts as you move throughout your day, as opposed to getting an overcomplicated trying to be perfectionist, trying to have a two hour morning routine because somebody on Instagram said you had to do that. Because they are now successful, so to speak. And so they get up at 4am and do all this stuff. Well, they probably aren’t really doing


Brett Bartholomew  8:58  

Without question. I’m glad that you answered that wonderfully. And we’re gonna get into a lot of different aspects of breathing, the mechanisms behind it some practical things the audience can do to really highlight your expertise. But one thing I want to jump on earlier is the end. And I appreciate you being so candid about your background, is it sounds like that. It is a tough thing to pivot to leave a career that you’re invested in, pun intended, that you may even be really good at. I know a lot of our audience relates to this as well. 


Like, I’m good at this. I’ve done this a long time. Maybe I went to school for it, whatever it is, but then you get to a point in your life where either because you’re more passionate about something else, you’ve evolved as a human, or circumstances just change. You’re like, I think I kind of want to leave this and do something else. So before we get into more about breathing and recovery and stress reduction, can you talk about what that aspect of your journey was like? Because it has to be terrifying to degree right or was it not? Were you just like nah, screw it. I’m done. I know and Moving forward,


Taylor Somerville  10:01  

it was extremely terrifying at first and it really all happened.I loved what I was doing, I always love, really the psychology of markets, studying, investment management and enjoyed the math aspect. But really like why people did the same things why markets effectively do the same thing over and over again, we create these cycles of booms and busts, it’s same psychological aspect, why people are doing the same things. 


So I love that. And then, I had this divorce happened. I’m like, oh, man, all of a sudden, everything that I’ve kind of been planning can change so quickly, and just started looking at everything in my life. And I was just super stressed out. And I was like, do I really want to be sitting here, when I’m 60 years old, at the same desk, doing the same thing, because I figured that was somewhat inevitable if I didn’t just leave


Brett Bartholomew  10:55  

Hey, jumping in quick, just remind you, it’s last call for our Phoenix apprenticeship, whether you’re a people pleaser, somebody that struggles with hard conversations, or you just know that poor communication can cost you time, relationships and opportunities. You will love the apprenticeship, we go over things of how to be more persuasive, how to deal with conflict, how to deal with passive aggressive people how to lead your team more effectively, during times of conflict, if you have a tough conversation that you’ve been dealing with, or you just know the value of being a better communicator, you’re going to love it. It’s very hands on, it’s a great opportunity to network with people from other professions. Go to Now, to check out more details, that’s now.


Taylor Somerville  11:44  

Oh, man, all of a sudden, everything that I’ve kind of been planning can change so quickly, and just started looking at everything in my life. And I was just super stressed out. And I was like, do I really want to be sitting here, when I’m 60 years old, at the same desk, doing the same thing, because I figured that was somewhat inevitable if I didn’t just leave. So I really started diving into everything, and went off to on some retreats and found how beneficial and powerful those were the expertise retreats, but I think you’ve done some of that with Laird and Gavi. And just hat go in there and seeing all these other people to kind of do in this stuff. 


I had decided at that point, I’d been like writing the weekly newsletter for about a year and a half and kind of talking to my girlfriend, who is then my girlfriend, now my wife about everything and left that and it was like, All right, I’ve got to make a change, talk to my parents. And my dad was very old school very hard keep going. He worked the same job probably 40 years plus. So I thought he would think I was absolutely insane. And he was totally behind everything. And when he was behind it, and I was like, Well, okay, these people believe I can do it, I can do this. And I basically set a date. And I was like, Alright, I’ve got to tell them, I’m leaving by Labor Day. And I think I’ve pushed it all the way to the Friday before Labor Day and told him and gave him one month and I quit the month later. 


Brett Bartholomew  13:11  

And well, what’s interesting about that is it’s one thing to feel like, Alright, I know, I’m following my intuition. I’m scared, but it’s the right thing to do. And then it’s another thing to think, how do I make money off this? Because that’s a reality. Right? It’s a process. It’s a journey. For those of you that are new listeners, make sure to check out our entrepreneur essentials course, we have a lot of things on this. But that’s the other thing I wonder is where did you even start thinking about that you mentioned that you have a passion for economics, you have a good practical sense on your head, you have perspective, like, what did you do to think about like, alright, this is what I’m gonna do to make money at this instantly.


Taylor Somerville  13:51  

At that point, honestly, I was like, let me just have enough money as a runway to give me some space to then figure it out. Because I had no idea when I quit. I literally was like, I’m taking three months off. At that point, I was training for a 24 hour event. And so I was like, I’m gonna go through this and it’s the holiday, spend time with my family, friends. And then at the beginning of the new year, I will start hired a business coach. She helped me kind of put everything together. And you know, for the first couple years, I didn’t really make anything. First year I didn’t make anything at all, I lost a lot of money. But I made sure that our I had enough money that I was comfortable that I that could lease survive for a little while with my savings before I had to actually start making money.


Brett Bartholomew  14:38  

Yeah, no, that makes a lot of sense. And I think that’s something that just people need to be more practical about in general. Alright, so you get to this point you found your niche, you found something you’re passionate about, then it’s a matter of finding your audience. And I think, but correct me if I’m wrong, you know, you’ve worked with a wide spectrum of people. You’ve worked with organizations. I mean, when you’re talking about helping people manage their stress and make better decisions. So much of that the majority of it is tied to physiology. But what did you identify as your initial target market? How is that evolved? And for people that pay you as a coach now, what does that look like? What is this session look like? How did you find that out? I just love to know the nuances of that.


Taylor Somerville  15:23  

So started out with app had a sauna on a trailer. And you see that very common now on Instagram, people have these, back in 2018, I think there was one other guy. Yeah. And I had contacted him. And he basically built it for me, I started taking around the gyms and yoga studios, and I would teach breath sessions, and then I would throw him in ice baths and throw him in the sauna, we’d go back and forth and my target market was people I knew, people who were like me who are into fitness, who they were into fitness, they were professionals. So I was trying to go to as many people are in the Memphis area, and then that kind of branched out all over the south. 


I started doing Atlanta down the Gulf Coast of Florida, Birmingham, Houston, Austin, I would travel around and do workshops, and sessions with other coaches that I knew, we would collaborate together on this stuff. And then I started doing a little bit of one on one work at that point, but not really, it was mainly just doing these kinds of workshops, then COVID hit, and all that stopped pretty quickly, and started doing a lot more online, doing virtual breath sessions. And at that point was like, okay, everybody’s going through this entirely stressful that there are breathing is highly important to what’s going on. It’s a respiratory awareness, people are like starting to understand how important that is. Then, James Nesta wrote his book breathe, and people started reading that and being like, Oh, wow, okay, this stuff’s really impactful, there’s some things that we can do to help ourselves. 


So I started putting together a coaching program at that point, mainly to have people virtually because I was like, how long is it going to take before we get back in person? What are we gonna do? And I’ve been writing kind of building a email list through that time. And so really, that point was started taking on people where, there would be stressed out, they would have something going on, and they would reach out to me, we would just kind of go through some breathing techniques really helped them ground themselves pretty quickly when they needed to. And then that branched out realizing that one session is not going to really help anybody, they can come and learn a technique or two, but they’re probably never going to really do it again. 


They’re not going to keep up with the habits of it, they’re not going to really understand. So then I’ve ventured out to four sessions, and then, 8 12, and kind of settled on about a three month program doing a lot one on one in that face, we’re really focused on for one, understanding your stress your triggers, what happens when you get stressed out, like you’re mentioned the physiology of it, make creating awareness first. Because without that awareness, there is no change, and then go on from, alright, how can we change what we’re currently doing. And then let’s create a consistent practice and build better habits on top of that, just creating small little shifts in our daily routine. And now we’re doing a lot more on the group coaching front as well, and then go in and like you mentioned, businesses and organizations been doing that for the last few years. All over the country, and we’ll do a lot virtually and with groups here at Memphis to


Brett Bartholomew  18:23  

Yeah, well, it’s smart. One, I think that’s an ingenious, it’s very simple, most of the point that the average listener would skip past it, but a genius, when you’re starting your own thing, start with people. We worry so much about building that online audience, I love that you just, and that goes to your fundamentals first mindset, no, no, start with people you know, go from there. And then another thing, and we teach this at our Brand Builder course, that you alluded to, is, you don’t sell breathing, just like we don’t sell communication, you sell what a lack of that, or a proper implementation of that represents. For I know, when I called out to as my coach, it’s, Hey, stress management, being able to manage my focus and my state because I am balancing so many different things like everybody else


If you came to me, and you just want to sit there and make breathing, the most unique thing ever, and talk about it as if it’s the womb of the universe, I’m gonna be like, dude, I’m out. But stress, it’s like, I’ll do anything to do that, because I want more time on this earth with my son. Right? I want to be able to spend more time with my loved ones. And we say the same thing with communication, hey, if you want, nobody wakes up and just says I want to breathe better, or I want to communicate better people do wake up and say, I want less stress in my life. I want less drama in my relationships, I want more opportunities. And so did it take you a while to find that? Because sometimes we can be so close to our product, or the thing that we believe in, that we forget about how other people might view it or how other people might need to hear it, if that makes sense.


Taylor Somerville  19:56  

Oh 100% And it’s something I still work on. But Creating that message that is going to resonate with people, because I’ve had clients come to us and say it was really just so much stress and overwhelm, I just had to make a stop right then. And I saw that what you were doing as a way to kind of do that, because I like all the science, like all the details are like the nitty gritty, but 99.9% of people don’t care, right? They just want a few things that they’re gonna be able to do and implement. And in reality, they don’t need to know it. And they don’t need to even know all the advanced techniques, most people just, I’m very big on, like, do simple, better. 


I can’t remember who’s recently said that it’s an old coach, for the I think the Chicago Cubs can’t remember his name. He’s the one who won the World Series, but he had a little saying was do simple, better. And that is just like, if you can just create those foundational aspects and just keep doing those over and over again, you’re gonna get so much benefit without even worrying about some of that complex stuff. And you’re right breathing, is just one aspect of it. And that’s just a tool that you can kind of come back to and stay with, but there’s a whole lot of other areas, and it’s really what can you do, that’s gonna work for you that you’re gonna keep doing? It’s like what’s the best workout? It’s the one that you’re gonna consistently do? And that’s the same thing.


Brett Bartholomew  21:12  

And stress is going to be ubiquitous, right. That’s another thing that I think sometimes we struggle with today, in the language that we hear presented to us, whether it’s on social media, or otherwise, everything is about all try to remove stress, decrease stress, people forget, there’s you stress, there’s distress, you need stress, that is why we change. That’s why we evolve. And so it’s kind of like when people say control your emotions, I’ve never really been a big fan of that I understand what people are getting at. But you have to manage it, you just have to do your best. Like we’re not in control. There’s the illusion. And that’s what a lot of I think this consumerism of these bio hacks or just anything we buy into, even in the leadership space, is there is it’s this illusion of control


Where it’s like, no, the best we can do is manage it. And like, so when you do this, let’s imagine somebody’s listening right now. And they had an anxious morning, they read an email that really piss them off, their staff is driving them nuts. Maybe they’re short on cash. And so they’re not even sure if they’re going to be able to pay their bills today, whatever that is, they’re in that cycle of stress. I know that there’s many options, so I’m not going to ask you for the best, I’m not going to put that pressure on you. What is just one thing that somebody that’s driving in their car right now that’s experiencing those things could do in a very practical sense.


Taylor Somerville  22:35  

That first thing is I’ve liked what you said about stress it’s not good or bad. It just is it is. You got to be able to grow from it, we need it. And so much stuff is reframing your mindset around that. So not thinking about, I mean, there’s a ton of research, once you reframe your mindset and realize, all right, I can kind of grow from the stress. So that’d be the first thing, think about that. And then all right, notice you’re driving in your car, you’re probably in Memphis, we got crazy drivers going all over the place. So to get an upset at them, watch how you’re breathing, take just small breaths in through your nose, longer, little exhale out of your mouth. 


Just focus on that for a minute and see if that changes your state. Yeah, more than anything, instead of getting too upset, come back to something like that kind of anchor yourself. It could even be looking outside, look at the outside of the window right here, look outside, look into out on the horizon, look at some trees, as opposed to staring at your computer screen, if you get that email from your boss, because that email from your boss is setting off the same physiological reactions in your nervous system that we had from like I said, running from the lion back in the day, it’s the same type of stress response. Now it just happens emotionally, as opposed to physically so I would say watch your breathing is the first thing and change your mindset around what you thinking about stress in general


Brett Bartholomew  23:55  

Great example framing there too, right? That’s a huge part of just cognitive behavioral therapy. And sometimes I forget, just because you heard so much about it in the space that I was typically in the performance world, how many people are confused about how they should read, my dad came down to visit, right? Just to ground this conversation. And my dad’s scalenes and just my dad thinks he has all these nerve issues in his neck. And I’m not trivializing his pain. Dad, so if you’re listening, but he’s had this scans, he’s had this, and I get my hands on him, and I can tie your traps. All this is a mess. And I just asked him, you know, how do you breathe? 


And I can. I can watch but not everybody’s got to be trained in this now that it takes any esoteric skill. I just mean, like, I knew what to look for given my history. And you can see that my dad is just elevating his shoulders when he breathes. And so he goes, Well I try not to breathe through my stomach. And I said, Well, what do you mean? And he said, Well, you know, I just feel like I have a gut. So I have a tendency to suck it in and I tried to breathe and I’m like, Well, Dad, and I start to explain it to him a little bit, but just for the day General layperson or even just as a reminder, for somebody that doesn’t know this, how should we breathe? I know diaphragmatic breathing, but what does that mean? What does that look like? And how can the average person assess practically how they’re breathing to just see like, shit? Is this wrong? And why is it wrong?


Taylor Somerville  25:20  

That’s a great one. And, surely it is a interesting word, I’ll say, it kind of depends on what you’re doing. If you’re just sitting here at your computer, answering emails, or you know, automating, you should be most likely breathing through your nose, thinking about breathing low, down belly ribs area and breathing slower. So as opposed to what you just talked about that upper chest, which typically means people breathe in and out of their mouth, so the breathing more than they actually need. And that upper chest breathing is using the secondary respiratory muscles, your neck, your shoulders, traps, things like that, which causes more tension there, and also just kind of sets off the cycle in your brain that’s monitoring your breath rate


And monitoring that stuff being like, Alright, my diaphragm is not getting as much blood, it’s not working like it should be. So I’m creating more of a stress response and myself naturally. So we’d like to talk to say everyday breathing. First thing we tell people to do, which has a huge impact more than I think anything else is breathe low, or breathe slower through the nose, you can easily just take your hands and kind of cross them over your belly and focus on Can you feel your ribs separate, we want to more of a horizontal pattern as opposed to a vertical. That’s the easiest way I think to remember it.


Brett Bartholomew  26:36  

I love the, I mean, I’m making a note right now to text one of my friends lower slower through your nose. You know, I’d always heard if you had a tire around your midsection, right? You want to be able to fill up in that 360 degree and fill up that tire. I do think that those things are really helpful. And one thing that I’m surprised I’ve never heard more about. And it’s funny because you think of the amount of the population the world that deals with allergies and other things. And admittedly this is biased because when you were coaching me and what I later found out is I have a deviated septum and a bit about a week I’m going to get a septoplasty and about three other things done. And maybe that I think some of that goes back to boxing or what have you. 


But I very rarely if– No, I’ve never as a matter of fact, I’ve never heard any one of these quote unquote breathing experts out there address well, what if I can’t breathe through my nose because it’s literally so jacked up, or I have allergies, or there’s literally, I mean, my EMT said, Wow, your septum deviates one way here. And another way there, I don’t even know how you breathe through your nose. And so that goes back to that optimization idea, right? As we speak to people as if everybody’s got these capabilities and from a sound practical sense they do. 


But you also need to speak to the people that need it most. It’s almost like, I know this is long winded. But it’s like 99% of the fitness advice out there is geared towards people that are already active and loved to work out. I feel like it’s the same thing, sometimes with breathing advice. It’s like people that are already Okay, duct taping their mouth or whatever. Let’s talk about the other stuff. What if you’re messed up in that fashion?


Taylor Somerville  28:16  

Well, some people do have to have the surgeries like you’re you’re gonna have, we definitely see that when you actually can’t breathe. There’s obviously some tools that can help kind of open up your airways, there’s some just techniques. But one of the big one is we see a lot of people, they’ve just been breathing in and out of their mouth so long that they’ve lost the ability to breathe through their nose, because that tissues just kind of expanded and so it’s made smaller. 


So if you start slowly incorporating just nasal breathing into your day, it was alright, it’s really hard at first week later, it’s starting to get a little easier than it gets a little easier. So it’s kind of like a use it or lose it aspects of, I would say just keep focusing on it. If you start breathing it out of your mouth because you can’t get too stuffy then you have to do that, you’re not gonna die. Body’s very adaptable. 


Brett Bartholomew  29:05  

I mean, you’re not gonna die 


Taylor Somerville  29:06  

Not be optimal. 


Brett Bartholomew  29:08  

If you’re not optimal you won’t die. 


Taylor Somerville  29:11  

Yes, I mean, everybody’s trying to be perfect this day and age, but that’s impossible. And like you said, we’re all not built the same. There are some techniques if you do have allergies, that you can kind of clear your nose and small exhale breath holes or things we use it and just doing like five or six rounds where you breathe in through your nose, breathe out, hold it kind of move around, build up some heat, let the co2 build up in your system and breathe back in through your nose so that carbon dioxide kind of opens up the airways nitric oxide in your nasal passages they’ll help open it up you know if you don’t have anything major those kind of little things can work. Sometimes you need to loot use saline spray and stuff like that. 


Brett Bartholomew  29:49  

I gotta ask what were your thoughts on kind of the Neo med sinus rinses? I mean, obviously, I love that stuff. Yeah, that made a huge difference


Taylor Somerville  29:57  

Saline spray, things like that I think are great. Things like Afrin say or more of a break class in the case of emergency kind of only don’t use them consistently because even green tea is gonna tell you not to do that, that says that even on the bottle. But saline sprays rinses stuff like that can help a lot. And I battled allergies for a long time had taken allergy shots my whole life as a kid, was a mouth breather. So when I first started transitioning and learning about all this stuff, and how important it was, it wasn’t easy for me either. 


Then I started running, just breathing in and out of my nose. That was really, really hard. I thought I was gonna do that. But it’s one of those things. It’s kind of like staying with it. Like when you start working out or doing anything, it doesn’t feel good at first. It hurts. It’s painful. But if you kind of keep going, you’ll see change and see things happen. That’s going to help him create some improvement in your life.


Brett Bartholomew  30:51  

Yeah, those are great tips. Are you familiar with the comedian Nate Barghouti?


Taylor Somerville  30:58  

We love him. Yeah, he’s so funny. 


Brett Bartholomew  31:01  

His part on Afrin, do you remember that? Did you hear his little spiel on our friend when he was on Saturday Night Live?


Taylor Somerville  31:08  

I don’t know. I think I missed that one. 


Brett Bartholomew  31:10  

I won’t get into it. I don’t want to take away from your time. But he was sitting there talking about how he had to take his dad to the doctor or whatever. And it was clear that he had been abusing Afrin. And he had said the doctor asked how long have you been using Afrin and he basically gave him some BS answer. And the wife was like, No, you’ve been using for about 40 years. Like, it says very clearly do not use past two days. As a matter of fact, I don’t know anything that’s good enough for you that you should use it for 40 years straight.


Taylor Somerville  31:40  

That’s right. 


Brett Bartholomew  31:41  

It goes Of course, my dad said says like, I work too damn hard not to use Afrini in my own house. I remember when I travel, right, because we live in the desert now. So my breathing is so much better than when I was in the kind of humid environment in Atlanta. But I remember I had to go speak at this event in Connecticut in the fall and it was wet, and it was dingy. And the minute I got off the plane, nothing. Nothing’s coming through my nose. I’m not sleeping, I’m sitting here and I got to present. So it’s the last thing you want is to be sleep deprived and have cognitive delays. So like, I have emergency Afrin for those situations 


This must be what it’s like, for normal people to breathe. But yeah, it’s I think you make a good point. And the if anybody wonders for screwed up, people like me go to Costco, you get a massive block of NEOMED sinus rinses. You’ll be good. But I’m glad that you talk about that, because most people don’t ever say things can. Is there anything else? You want to talk about that? Or I have another question that I think would be really practical.


Taylor Somerville  32:49  

Let’s hear it. 


Brett Bartholomew  32:49  

All right. So you working with the clients that you do, there’s going to be people that have to run a lot of meetings, people that are teaching people that have to do a lot of sales, they’re talking a lot, I even think about when I present or we’re doing we talked about this at speaker School, which is coming up for us. When you do have to talk for an extended period of time it can be even tougher to manage breathing, of course, you can pause like I just did, and take a breath through your nose. But I have to be careful of not even doing that through the microphone. That can be weird for pacing when you’re having a conversation. So what are some tips and strategies you tell your clients or people that hate talking a lot as part of their life? And they’re not going to be able to do it in this measured slow tone? Where they get it take a breath etime in between? Are there things they can do before after go wherever you want with this?


Taylor Somerville  33:44  

 Yeah, I would say don’t worry about it while you’re speaking. For one, there’s no reason to add something else to be thinking about. Focus on your whatever you’re talking about your presentation, your meeting, more than anything. Now before, I would say give yourself five minutes and just kind of ground yourself, give yourself a little bit time to just somewhat down regulate, whether it’s just breathing in and out of your nose, breathe in, pause out pause, I mean, you can just do that and not even focus on any like special technique. That’s great. After the meeting, do the same thing. Just kind of check in, you’ve been breathing in out of your mouth a lot. 


So you’ve been blown off a lot of co2, which is basically going to constrict your airways constrict your blood vessels is going to allow that get as much oxygen to your brain. That’s why you get tired after all that, you know, you’re expending a whole lot of energy. So can you get outside, maybe walk around, just spend a few minutes breathing in and out your nose. They’re just kind of somewhat down regulate. If you can, you have more of using those little what we call transitions. If you’re speaking a lot during meetings, if it’s just one minute, that’s fine. 


The more you practice to kind of these techniques outside of a chaotic situation, the easier you can use it in a chaotic situation. They’re going to calm down. So before you’re getting there and kind of getting preps, but then like five minutes, and then after just giving yourself some time and might not be doing a breath session might be just walking around. But you can always just take that breath in through your nose out through your nose while you’re going through a walk. Especially if it’s sunny outside, that’s gonna make you feel a whole lot better. 


Brett Bartholomew  35:15  

Yeah, it’s a good point. And one thing that I do too, when I’m presenting, and I feel, okay, I’ve been speaking for a while I can start to feel my heart rate increase, or I feel the need to kind of just slow things down, I make sure that I use what we call just an audience interaction moment, I’ll make it a point to ask a reflection question, pass the ball to one of our facilitators, do something like that. And when they do that, that’s my micro moment. That’s when I try to take, and I don’t really worry about the tempo. At that point. I do know it’s valuable. And I want you to give us some insight there. I know, there’s a lot of different aspects of that. 


But I just tried to make sure Okay, can I breathe through my nose for at least three seconds? out through my mouth? Just now’s my time to get caught up. And it’s tricky, admittedly, because you hope that when you ask that question, or you pass the ball, they take it for a minute or two. But every now and then you get something that’s like, Yeah, well, I don’t really know. And then you’re like, Okay, next. But I think just finding little micro moments, as you alluded to, whether it’s before or after, when you ask somebody a question, or you involve a team member, is a great chance to play catch up there, right?


Taylor Somerville  36:18  

Yes, that’s great. Yeah. And going through your coalition, this weekend, kind of workshops that you put on, you’re doing a whole lot of speaking. And you do a great job of passing it off to other people who are working there along with getting everybody Incorporated. And then that and like you’re mentioning kind of the tempo slow your exhale down. That’s the easiest way to do it in through the nose. And just think about breathe in slowly and out slower. Don’t get too complicated. I can get on all that debt tempos you want, but the easiest thing is slowly and slower out. And if you’re struggling it’s like telling anybody calm down. That doesn’t work. Yeah. That’ll help you drop into a distressed state pretty quickly.


Brett Bartholomew  37:13  

Yeah, no. And I was going to ask about that, if you wouldn’t mind and knowing that there’s myriad forms of it, what are some general rules of tempos? What are the fundamentals, the basics, this stuff that if you have the most stubborn person in your life ever, that doesn’t want to do this kind of stuff, or whatever, you had the very least you can say, hey, if nothing else, Vivica Tom, Ron, dad, mom, Susie Sally, at least do this, this will help you right, or there are a couple of just standards that you live or die by.


Taylor Somerville  37:49  

That slow exhale. For when you’re stressed out, that’s more calming, more parasympathetic drops your heart rate, inhales more activating more sympathetic. So elongating your inhale over, your exhale is going to help you get a little boost of energy. I’d also like to create a little pause, whether it’s in pause, out, pause, just doing that work, it’s called the space between the breath not rushing on to your next breath, because most people we’re trying to rush on to everything in life. And if you can create just a little bit of space there, it can help you create space. Otherwise, it just gives you that ability to kind of pause before you respond, and react it just, that’s a big part of it, too. 


You can go into all sorts of techniques, but that is like, two of my kind of favorite things is to help people down. We deal with a lot of people struggle sleeping at night, whether they wake up in the middle of the night, they can about the emails, the work, their kids, whatever, or they just can’t go to bed, so we just, one of the easiest things I tell them to do is just breathe in, slowly, hold it till you’re ready to breathe out, then slower out of the mouth. And just keep focusing on that in the pause at the end. So don’t even worry about time. If you’re not listening to me, I’ve got plenty of recordings that I’ll send clients to listen to, but not going to pick up your phone or anything in the middle of the night. And that’s going to help keep you up anyway. So just breathe in, hold it once you’re ready to let it go read out slower. Start from the bottom before you star back on


Brett Bartholomew  39:16  

You don’t worry anything is right, I’m going to interrupt you there. You’re not so worried about a number count or anything. And if somebody does need something to focus on it, is there one three seconds in, six seconds in? What would you go to?


Taylor Somerville  39:31  

doubling your exhale to your inhale for something like that. So there we would typically go in for about three to four seconds, hold for about three to four out for six eight is a very kind of calming deactivation strategy that we typically use and that can help you bring your heart rate down after a workout. It can help you kind of when you’re sleeping or when you’re a little stressed out, but always kind of that doubling of the exhale to inhale. People who’ve been doing breathing techniques for a long time that could be breathing in for 10 seconds. And now for 20 somebody who’s just starting it could be In for two and out for four. So that’s the main thing we kind of teach, like, right out of eight.


Brett Bartholomew  40:07  

Yeah, cuz it can be tricky. I remember when you first started doing these things and you hear some of the tempo, you’re like, damn, I don’t know if I can breathe in that much, or if I can hold that much and then yeah, that stresses you out more. And so it’s a good point to just say, don’t worry so much about the numbers. I wonder about this too. And whether we look at this as an affordance, or a constraint, something that helps. My son when he was two had a lot of problems with just drainage. And he’s going through the daycare phase. So we always had something, and we had a non medicatedall natural kind of Vapor Rub, right, so to speak. 


And it was because when he would try to breathe, we’d say, Hey, buddy, breathe, just take your time. Take a minute, it was so abstract to him, like, breathe what? And so I was like, well, let’s give him something to smell. Let’s give him something that kind of focuses attention on that. So we have this kind of non medicated all natural. Again, so any parents out there that are like freaking out that I’m like smothering my kid and Vicks Vapor Rub, relax. I’m not doing that. But we just put a little bit under his nose and on his chest. 


And he was aware of that smell now like, oh, well, like that’s an answer. Yeah. But he like, just try to breathe that in for three seconds, I’d count. And and it worked. And I know that can be N equals one. But is there something about like, if somebody just like, hey, the breathing stuff is a bit abstract, can they do something like experiment was scents or something like that we’re breathing in a warm mist that kind of helps focus that on an external thing that also helps them internally. Are you against that? Does that make sense?


Taylor Somerville  41:42  

I missed a little bit of that. But I think basically, you’re telling your son breathe in, like smell the flowers. Focused on exhaling out, blowing out a candle. Something like that is a great way to, especially for kids to kind of understand that we also use, like your hand, just kind of, you can trace out your hand as you breathe for five breaths, as a way to kind of slow it down, I think can help a lot. With kids, you can place a Teddy, a little stuffed animal on their belly and having just watched that rise and fall. So, you know, things like that. Anything that can that can help anchor you I think is a good technique.


Brett Bartholomew  42:23  

Yeah, that’s a great Yeah, you can tell you’ve done this for a long time. And you understand the psychology behind it. Whenever you use terms like anchoring and framing, it always brings a smile to my face, because that is what it is. Right? It’s anchoring, framing, priming. Those are those things. And sometimes we forget, it’s that simple. It’s the stuff that your grandma would do. That brings us back to sometimes the most innovative things. In today’s day and age, it goes back to that simplicity. 


All right. Let’s get into a bit of nuance here. One of my closest friends, is a staunch advocate of taping his mouth shut at night. Now this would be miserable for me based on where I am with my EMT stuff. He swears it makes us sleep better. I think I think once although I could be full of it. You told me you did that too. Can you explain it for the audience out there? That’s like, what the hell? Why? And how? And by the way, are you using duct tape? What’s going on here? Can you talk about this a little bit in terms of theory and practice and potential benefits? 


Taylor Somerville  43:21  

Yes, I’m a big fan. So when I went to that first SPT experience in 2017 Laird told us about it. And I was like, well, he’s crazy. And he’s like, everybody do it tonight, I’ll do it and did it. And I was like, Alright, this is interesting, then, think about it, like on a science background, okay, if you’re sitting there and you’re breathing in and out of your mouth all night long, you’re keeping your body and more stressed day, you’re not going to be able to rest and recover as much as you would. You take your mouth and breathe through your nose, that’s a third of your day, you’re already going to begin to improve how you can breathe. And one of the things, I use it a lot during, nowadays, I’ll do it a few times a week. 


But when I travel, I find it is a game changer for my sleep, especially when I go to altitude, going to altitude, it’s very easy to breathe in and out of your mouth. Wake up with a super dry mouth. Feel like you hadn’t slept well at all. I take my mouth and I can breathe through my nose all night long. I feel well rested. I’m gonna wake up the next day and I really don’t have a lot of trouble with altitude. But when I first started doing it, I think we did it every day almost for probably I would say, five out of seven days a week for a few months. And after sort of noticing how rested I felt when I woke up. I just felt a lot better. I didn’t wake up as much in the middle of the night. So that’s something clients who are open to it when we give them mouth tape. 


That’s kind of one of the things as a brand called ELVT which I like a lot or just three M micropore hypoallergenic tape that you can buy. Yeah out at Walgreens or Amazon, whatever, that’s the cheapest. You can buy like 10 rolls of that for 10 bucks, and it’s going to last you forever. But everybody likes to sell products and they can cost a whole lot more. The ELVT tape does feel better, and it has like little slits. So you can breathe in out of your mouth if you need to. You can talk with it on, you don’t need a lot. I see some of these tapes that are just like it covers your entire face almost. And like that seems horrible. 


And it seems like that would send your nervous system up to a stress state too, because you’re like, is somebody kidnapping me what’s going on here? And when you first start doing it, it typically it’s not going to stay on like your body’s pretty smart, it’s going to rip it off if it needs to rip it off in the middle of the night. And I think I woke up at with it with my hair, on a pillow, on my chest. For probably four or five nights in a row. I don’t think I ever slept with it. When I first started doing it, it would it would go on when I first started and then I’d wake up and and be somewhere else. And I love it. I think it’s great. And I use it all the time when I know I haven’t slept well on a few nights. I’m going to do it the next night. 


Brett Bartholomew  46:01  

Wow. `Yeah. Well, I’m looking forward once I get this surgery done to try that although I can’t imagine. Yeah, I mean, not that it would happen at least I hope not. But somebody walks into the room because I already sleep with an eye mask because I’m very sensitive to light and Liz we’ll wake up or or just there’s so many– I am very hyper aware of my surroundings. So sensory wise, right, I need it dark as hell. And I have earplugs in ever since we had a kid because you know, we’ll still have the monitor in there to make sure our son’s okay and whatever. 


So you hear a cough I’m up. So I have earplugs and eyemask now I’m gonna look like it’s like from Pulp Fiction, you know what I mean? Like, people are gonna wonder if this is a date night thing that you do for a while. But now it is fascinating. And I have to imagine for anybody that hasn’t tried it at first, there almost has to be a little bit of a sense of panic. But it sounds like the science is sound. And if you have articles on any of those kinds of things, if the underlying mechanisms, shoot them over, we’ll put them in the show notes.


Taylor Somerville  46:59  

Okay, and what I tell people when they first start doing it, do it for like five to 10 minutes before you go to bed and then take it off. Yeah, get yourself used to it before you start If it’s gonna stress you out, it’s like anything. If it’s going to stress you out more, don’t do it. If you’re freaking out, don’t worry about it. But get, you know, try it out 510 minutes before you go to bed, walk around the house with it, and just give it a shot that way. And then once you’re comfortable trot when you start to go to sleep. I’m a big fan of that mask to wear one every night. Got it. That’s another thing that travels with me or I wear it no matter what every night at home. It’s key.


Brett Bartholomew  47:35  

Now, we’ve talked a lot about many of the benefits, and anybody should get it. I think breathing is the physiological, literally the physiological equivalent to the importance of communication and that it’s ubiquitous, we’re going to do it every day, so many hidden forces that it’s going to impact in your life. So we get the benefits. But as I stated one, one reason I’m friends with you and I have such respect for you and I hired you as my coach is you’re not some absolutist guru that thinks that it’s going to cure every single thing. So you’re aware of limitations, or at least practices that may have limitations. 


So we’ve talked about things at work that are undoubtably just hey, this can benefit your life. What are some limitations of certain breathing techniques, either things that were once popular, that now don’t really have that much efficacy, or as you’ve alluded to, even if it’s like, hey, well, if you get too caught up on the nuance of tempo breathing and numbers, that it becomes a stressor, you’ve already hinted at some of them. But what are some limitations that you’ve encountered or things that you just don’t really think, are as practical as maybe the mainstream media or somebody else might think?


Taylor Somerville  48:42  

Well, one of the things you see a lot these days is just a lot of fast, rapid, hyperventilation type breathing, that Wim Hof style, which as you know, I like it’s one of the things that really got me into it, I loved. But I think it’s kind of can be pushed too far, where people that’s like all they’re doing. And I’m like, Well, if you’re over breathing and your everyday life, you breathe in and out of your mouth, you don’t have the fundamentals there. And then you’re doing these more intense type methods that are also kind of pushed you into that stress state, which, if you have severe anxiety, severe issues, or heart issues, there’s a lot of contraindications to some of these breathing techniques. 


Or if you’re doing something and the person who’s coaching you through it, they aren’t really equipped because you can have emotions come up from Matic stuff that can be involved come up, and if they can’t be there and hold the space for that. They can do more harm than good. So it is, not every type of technique, the ad out there. I mean, there’s something that it can benefit some people, but not everybody needs to do all of it. And we see a lot of people who kind of end those type of techniques right out of the gate and we’re like, Okay, we’re gonna take you the exact opposite way. Even doing that intense breathing. 


It’s like going in and trying to deadlift 500 pounds when you can barely pick up the bar, or haven’t even ever tried. It’s like, I don’t know if that’s the best thing for you. Yeah, it can do a lot. But you got to be careful and got to make sure you’re doing everything else on the other side, if you can, I would say, first fix that everyday breathing, and then kind of worry about getting into some of those techniques, because they’re just because it makes you feel good, doesn’t mean, in the long term, it’s good. Because if that was the case, then we could all just do drugs and constantly all day long. And then, you know, we feel good. But there are long term implications for doing that too much. 


Brett Bartholomew  50:39  

Yep. No. And another thing I want to ask you within that is anything that we do, even if we’re experts at it, we live by it die by and all those things we can still struggle with. So for example, we’re about to run another apprenticeship, there’s a lot of what we call social scrimmaging and role playing, you’ve been through that. And we continued to alter it and puts people in low stakes situations, but they still have to deal with conflict in real time, right, they have to deal with that boss or that passive aggressive person or whatever. And even though I teach this, I do this, there’s elements or times in my life, where I struggle as a communicator, right? 


There’s plenty of things that I struggle with, even if I know better, even if I have all those pieces, just like I have a background in strength and conditioning, there’s times where hey, I’m not going to be as active as I want to be because I need to prioritize something else, or I have to do this, what are some things that you’ve struggled with, even though best practices, or some things that you still feel like, damn, I don’t do this, as well as I’d like to, with my art self here.


Taylor Somerville  51:52  

Not being overly reactive and defensive. In relationships when getting feedback, or getting in an argument with somebody, not creating that space that I talked about so often. And being reactionary, I look at him, like, I’ve come a long way, it used to be a whole lot worse 10 years ago. But it’s something I still struggle with, staying under control that situations, not, kind of getting upset for things that really don’t matter. Being able to kind of roll with the punches, sometimes it still gets me, because it’s this life, I’m human, it’s going to happen. So, if it didn’t, I’d probably be on a monkey on a mountain somewhere. But that’s, I’m not really able to do that, or do I really want to do that? 


No, I’d rather live life and experience the ups and downs, because the ups and downs are part of the joy of it all. You know, I struggle with that. And I struggle with, you know, staying consistent and doing, like, going to bed and when I wanted to go to bed sometimes people think will look at me and say I’m very disciplined in what I do. Well, sometimes I am, but you also have times where I’m not. So it’s just kind of go through cycles. And I think we all got to deal with that. Now I’ve got a five month old at home. stuff doesn’t always go as planned anymore. And just kind of letting go of that plan or the expectation the story that I created in my head of what I thought something was gonna be that day might not turn out that way.


Brett Bartholomew  53:27  

Yeah, no, it’s valuable perspective. What time do you go to bed now? And how is that change with your little one with little Lee there?


Taylor Somerville  53:34  

We go to bed. typically try to be asleep like that.


Brett Bartholomew  53:38  

Wait, timeout you just said you don’t go to bed all the time when you want to. But you’re in bed. You go you walk to bed at nine or you’re you try to be asleep by nine


Taylor Somerville  53:48  

We’ll get in bed during the week we’ll get in bed usually 8:30-ish. But sometimes we’ll get stuck watching the show. And go to bed at like 9:30 I don’t ever stay up till like midnight, maybe on Friday night or something like that. But if I do that, I’m just dead, I know that. But during the week, I go to sleep pretty early. But sometimes I might be on my phone longer than I want to, or are watching the show as opposed to hanging out and relaxing with my wife or we’re kind of doing things in that realm was like, we might be on our computers working as opposed to spending time with each other like we talked about and say we shouldn’t be doing . But we do get in get to sleep and luckily, she is a good sleeper. The girl sleeps from seven to seven right now. We’re hoping that stays for as long as we can keep it. 


Brett Bartholomew  54:43  

Yeah, that’s incredible. No, I mean, that’s one thing that has changed a lot. I mean, I’ve always been a little bit of a night owl I will go to bed around midnight or one and then my body usually wakes me up automatically sometime between 6:30 and 7:30. But with Bronson, we usually, his bedtime, we try to get him ready for bed starting at seven, he’ll have toto brush his teeth. We read him books, because that’s a huge part of obviously language and cognitive development. And it’s just something we value as a family. But that bedtime routine alone takes an hour. By the time you’ve gotten bathed and brush and all this. 


And then Liz and I after that are like, right now we get to spend time, it’s you and me. It’s so that’s something that we’ve had to when people say, Oh, what’s changed much since you’re a father and this and they expect some big crazy answer. And I’m like, Really, just my nighttime routine, because picking them up from daycare. From 5:30 to 8:30. Or from 4:30, really to 8:30. That is all dead time. Now in terms of work, right that’s family time, bed time. And so then we need time to wind down be us catch up on how stuff because we’re working the rest of the day. And that’s one that you can’t really win very easily. At least now. 


Taylor Somerville  55:56  

That’s 100%. It’s like our same thing for us. It’s like, once that evening rolls around, it’s just everything else is gone. It is either getting her from daycare, feeding her, we have a whole bedtime routine with her as well as, listening to music, whether or going to, we’d sing to her and stuff like that, at this age trying to read her some books. She’s not very interested in that, but, five months old. But, it’s very much focused on her until we get her to bed at 7:30 or so. And then it’s all like, All right, now we’ve got some time where maybe we can hang out might watch a show or something like that. But it’s noticing that that’s the hardest thing. One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is like late afternoon, on it’s good luck trying to do anything if I hadn’t gotten to somebody by 4:30-ish. I’m probably not going to respond till the morning. 


Brett Bartholomew  55:56  

Yeah, yeah, no, hey, by the way, like, why don’t we get that as adults? Maybe this will happen when AI and robots. Why don’t we get somebody that sings to us and reads to us. That’s what we really need. That’s what I’m going to invest in is you want a real guy, 


Taylor Somerville  57:04  

Probably I’ll be calmer and much happier. 


Brett Bartholomew  57:09  

Yeah, robot just rubbed your back kind of shows you, for some people, that’s creepy. It depends. If your thing looks like Ex Machina, we don’t know. Well, listen, I value you tremendously. You’re such a good not only just person practitioner, but really good guest. I don’t say this often on the air. But like just getting right to it given answers being practical, real grounded, it makes it a pleasure. And it makes it something that you know that there’s nobody that could not listen to this episode and be like, alright, I don’t have at least three things that are some stuff that I could do right now. And I want to continue to support your work. So if people are interested in hiring you as a coach, or they want to bring in or they just want to learn from you, and all the different ways, where can they go? How can they support you? Where should we direct them? Go ahead and tell them?


Taylor Somerville  58:00  

Yeah, our website is, L i v e and you can also find us on Instagram at symmetry.lab. Those are two easy places to find me and get in touch with me. 


Brett Bartholomew  58:14  

Phenomenal. And as always, we’ll put that in the show notes. We’ll tailor you get the final word. Otherwise, I want to thank you for coming on. I know that. Like I said, this is an episode that I can’t wait to get out there and people will value. Anything you want to say as a final word.


Taylor Somerville  58:27  

I just want to say that people, you’re stronger than you think you are. You can do more than you think you do. So many people kind of get stuck in the rut and we get stuck in these unconscious patterns of things that we’ve been doing our whole life. I think that’s just the way it is. But you can change those. You just got to put a little effort time and work into it.


Brett Bartholomew  58:44  

Excellent point. Well, I appreciate you again. Thank you for listening, everybody 


Taylor Somerville  58:48  

Thank you for having me. 


Brett Bartholomew  58:48  

Oh, no, my pleasure. Please send it to a friend or family member. Anybody that you think can use this breathing can change so much about your health, your stress and your life. We believe in it. Thank you again, Taylor, and we’ll talk to you soon.


Taylor Somerville  59:00  

Thanks, Brett.

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