In Art Of Coaching Podcast, Podcasts

We’ve all been there. Our significant other is struggling and we ask “how can I help?” 

While this is well-intentioned, is there anything we can do proactively to meet these challenges head on, before things completely unravel? Conversely, how can we express our own needs and clearly address what’s really bothering us, so we’re both on the same page?

If you’ve been in this situation—and let’s face it, we all have—then you’ve come to the right place. Today’s episode is packed with practical advice and exercises that you can start doing TODAY with your spouse or partner right away to enhance your relationship.

In this show, we’re diving into a no-nonsense, actionable discussion on:

  • “Hot zones” and how to tell your partner you’re in one
  • Defining your role as a helper vs. focusing on specific actions
  • The importance of clearly defining your relationship essentials
  • How to lean on your core values and beliefs when you need a win

YOU AREN’T TOO LATE! – This episode is a sneak peek into our 30 Day Relationship Challenge that just kicked off. Bottom line, no one has a perfect relationship, no matter what it looks like on the surface. Growth begins with acknowledging that we can be better and progress happens when you roll up your sleeves and take action. Whether you’re single, married, or would just like to communicate better with your kids, we can help enrich the relationships that mean the most to you.  What could be more valuable than that? No travel is required, you can work through this on the couch with your significant other (glass of wine optional) at your own pace. Visit, we’re in the thick of it – JOIN US!

SPEAKER SCHOOL – Is there a message stuck in your head that you know needs to get out into the world?  Maybe you’d just like to get better in front of your coworkers at the weekly staff meeting.  Either way, Speaker School is the ideal place to get better in front of people, regardless of the situation!  This live 2 day experience not only gives you the knowledge you need to create a logical and clear presentation, but provides you with a safe environment to fail, filled with people who want you to succeed and who will give you the feedback and encouragement you need to improve.  Join us in Phoenix, AZ on October 12-13th!.  We keep the number of participants small, so make sure to secure your spot today!

WE ADMIT, WE’RE ALL OVER THE PLACE… We recently received feedback from a loyal customer who mentioned they’d love to return to an event but were confused by our constant stream of new offerings. We want to assure you that our mission remains the same. However, we’ve evolved in response to your requests and suggestions to better meet your needs. If you’d like to see what we’re up to and how we can support you, check out the links below. Feel free to email us at with any questions or for more information on discounts, payment plans, and more.

Quick Links On Where You Can Find Us

Live Events – Nothing replaces an immersive, in-person experience!

Digital Courses – Lifetime access you can work through at YOUR own pace on YOUR schedule.

1-On-1 Mentoring – Personalized coaching tailored to your needs.

30 Day Relationship Challenge – A virtual guide to improving relationships, at our lowest price point! 

Related Episodes:

E339 | Overcoming Challenges in Relationships

E330 | Unmet Needs In Relationships: How to Express What You Really Want

We are so proud to be sponsored today by our longtime partner Momentous. You need to pay attention to what you put in your body. For safety and performance, it’s crucial to follow three key principles: stick to what works, choose products that are rigorously tested, and rely on those rooted in science. Momentus products are NSF Certified for Sport, meaning they meet the highest quality control standards—the same required of athletes competing in the Olympics. We particularly love their whey protein, creatine, and fish oil. Visit and enter the code BRETT15 at checkout to save 15% on anything found on their website. Who knows, their products might give you the power to “throw a football over them mountains.” Hut hut hike!


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