In Art Of Coaching Podcast, Podcasts

“There just isn’t enough time in the day.”

Whether you’re a parent, a business owner, lead a group of people, or are simply a busy-body, we all experience times where we just can’t get it all done.  There’s too much on our to-do list and not enough hours to knock it all out.

If this sounds like you, listen in!  Today’s episode provides a tactical framework and strategy to help you quantify where and how you’re spending your time and energy, allowing you to analyze and prioritize your tasks in a way that aligns with your goals and objectives.

Specifically, I dive into:

  • The difference between time and energy management
  • 7 quantifiable categories of energy management
  • How to use this tool to identify asymmetries and set boundaries
  • A regular reassessment strategy for your staff or team

Referenced Resources:

So many of us struggle in this area, so if this resonates with you, please know you’re not alone!  This is just one of the common topics we help individuals with through our 1:1 mentoring program.  If you’re looking for support and want to find out how we can help you utilize the strategies we shared in today’s podcast, schedule a free discovery call with our team today! Or if you’d prefer, you can get in touch with our team directly by emailing us at

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Mighty Networks Digital Community: Our digital community where you can gain access to information, discussion, and a group of professionals (including the AoC Team) who are serious about their development.  For only $19.99/ month (free cancellation at any time) you can take your communication, leadership, and relationship skills to the next level.  Join us today!

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Brett Bartholomew  

This episode of The Art of coaching podcast is brought to you by AG1. Listen, it’s getting colder outside, none of us are invincible, but we all owe it to ourselves to take the best care of ourselves that we can given our constraints and limitations. Now we can do that through exercising and sleeping, but also what you put in your body. And I value keeping that part of it simple. That is a big reason why I drink AG1. I’m just getting over a cold Marsh son always passes stuff on to me, he just started at a new daycare. And he wanted something that I absolutely hammer, whether I’m traveling or whether I’m sick and trying to get through it all. Then his path was 75, vitamins, minerals, and Whole Foods source ingredients. It’s something that you know, you can trust to put in your body. It’s an all in one supplement. And for those of you that listen to the art of coaching podcast, you are getting a great deal. AG1 gives all of you a free one year supply of immune supporting vitamin D, as well as five free travel packs. Those things are immensely helpful during any moment where you have to run out the door, or you’re traveling, all you have to do is go to That’s a Now


Welcome to the Art of coaching Podcast. I’m Brett Bartholomew, and at a young age poor communication nearly cost me my life. Now, I help others navigate the gray area of social interaction, power dynamics and communication so they can become more adaptable leaders, regardless of their profession, age or situation. This podcast is for everybody who is fascinated with solving people problems. So if you’re in the no nonsense type who appreciates frank conversations, advice you can put to use immediately, and learning how others navigate the messy realities of leadership. You’re in the right place. I’m glad that you’re joining us. Let’s dive in.


Hey, thanks for sitting down with me for another episode of the podcast. Today, we’re going to touch on a topic that comes up again and again, in our private community, social media, our email and our live events. And essentially, it as opposed to thinking of it just as a singular topic. I want you to imagine it like this. All right. Think about times where you feel like you’re in a rut, and nothing is working, you’re constantly going from one thing to the next. And to a degree, that’s how you like it, you like being busy, you like doing useful things. But every now and then you get in this spiral. And it can be really easy for you to then feel that pressure, or even inklings of getting worn down. But then you turn that into additional fuel to push harder and harder and harder. And you know what, for the majority of your life, that works really well. But if you’re being honest, eventually, you know, you crash. Now, for even the most prideful of those of you listening, you may not that crash may not look like it does with everybody else, you may just kind of get into the dumps for a little bit. And then you have another glass of coffee cup of coffee, and you’re back at it, or you might just be off for another day. And then you distract yourself or whatever that is, okay, there’s no memorial for people that are just the most hardcore individuals ever. And, then think about it this way, you might also be somebody that just has a lot of trouble asking for help. Now, I’ve been guilty. And I’ve talked about this in the past, especially if you’re on our newsletter, there have been times at I’ll wear myself down, not because I don’t have the fuel in the tank or this but I might just feel like I’m not getting the support that I need or the breaks I need. Or people’s expectations are just a little bit different. Now I remember talking about this once on social media and somebody’s like, oh, pressure is a privilege. If you can’t stand the pressure, you shouldn’t do something. Yeah, yeah. There’s a difference between taking pressure and consistently being somebody who wants to over achieve or live up to your own expectations or the expectations of those who serve. Or maybe you’re not trying to do any of that. And as I mentioned earlier, you just are somebody that likes being useful. I don’t care. The bottom line is eventually you’re going to ask, Hey, how do I get it all done? How am I supposed to get it all done? Because I feel like I do the majority of the time. But I’ve just really hit this sticking point now where I feel like I can’t keep up. And I’ve tried and I’m reading and I’m going to keep it private. I’m reading and paraphrasing from somebody that reached out, they said, I’ve tried recovery, I understand that I need to emphasize arrest, and do some of those things, I know that I need to maybe even just take some time off and vacations. But the reality is, is those aren’t always a reality. For me, I work in a business where it comes down to me, there’s nobody to turn to, there’s nobody to delegate to. We had talked about the Eisenhower matrix, which we’ve mentioned in this show before, it’s very popular, do it delegated, prioritization matrix that was popularized by Stephen Covey. Essentially, their email goes on and on and on to talk about all the things that they can’t do. It’s like, Alright, so where do we start, then we reflect on our state, we’re constantly moving from one tax to the another. And we’ve got to find some way to manage this. And this is where I think a lot of the nomenclature in the past has been a little bit incorrect. Where we think of it is is time management, you have to think of this more as energy management as well, there are and there’s a lot more to this as well. So think about it. What we ended up putting together was this, right, where time management is about structuring our schedule efficiently. Energy management is about ensuring that we have the physical, mental and emotional resources to do the things that we want to do. 


So ultimately, what I came up with was this, and it helped me a great deal when I was trying to get out of these situations that I’ve kind of gotten myself in is, you say, Okay, write down these words, skill, desire, energy, complexity, value, or you can think of this as ROI, priority, and resources. And don’t worry, this will be in our podcast reflection, saying, if you go to, right, I said, Now, what I want you to think of these things as a skill is your level of knowledge or expertise in performing a task. So with the podcast, I feel like I’m pretty good at performing the podcast I get on here, I talk to you guys in a very real relatable way, I maybe have a few notes and things I want to cover. I don’t script it like crazy, but I have that skill. Now, if you were to ask me about video editing, that’s another thing. I am not tremendously skilled at video editing. I’m not tremendously skilled at advanced calculus, right. But I got this, I understand other things, I think I’m a decent writer, if I really get the time to focus on that presenting whatever your skill is. Desire. That’s pretty straightforward. What’s your personal inclination or motivation or passion for a particular task? I’ll just use a consistent example here, when somebody wants told me, Hey, you should have a blog, I didn’t have a real big desire to have a blog. And then they would say, Well, I would increase your search engine optimization 13%. And that’s, valid. But if I don’t like doing that, that’s almost like telling somebody that hates running, that they should go run if they want to be healthy, or lose weight or whatever, like, the likelihood of them continuing that, regardless of any benefits is not going to be high. And I’m going to orient this towards you in a minute. Let’s just go to the definitions of each of these energy. What does it take physically, mentally, or emotionally to complete a task? So same topic, if I were to have written a blog, that takes a lot out of me, because my, thoughts flow more seamlessly, and in many ways more clearly, when I’m talking? For some of you, it’s the opposite. Okay, but even right now, as I’m working on my next book, if I get stuck on something, I will just talk it out. I’ll literally say what I’m trying to say is this. And, you know, I’ll kind of almost get mad at it. And eventually, it’ll come out what I’m trying to say. But writing takes a lot of energy out of me, it really does. It’s like the hardest thing. For some of you it might be having certain conversations. For some of you that are entrepreneurial, it might be doing your newsletter, it might be calling and following up with leads or potential folks that you want to sell to. For others of you, it might be any number of things. But what takes out a lot of energy out of you. Complexity, how difficult is it? How specialized is it, we have a great member of our community, her name’s avetta, and avetta is creating an online course it’s gonna provide a lot of value to a lot of people. And she’s like, you know, it’s interesting. The complexity some people might look at the topic that I’m talking about, is complex. But that’s easy for me. What’s complex to me is trying to get this stuff on a website and figuring out the whole online course part of that, and you can see the tie in with energy there, right? If we can’t even skill if we have low skill at something, and it’s highly complex, well, then it’s also going to take a lot of energy. And this is going to be kind of the brilliance of this framework here in a minute when I reveal the whole thing, 


value and ROI. There are some times many of you and remember whenever I’m talking to you I’m talking to myself also if there’s one thing I can’t stand is it’s gurus act like they have it figured out if you’ve listened to me for any length of time, you know, I’m always pointing at myself, as well. But many of us can get caught doing a lot of things. And we’re really good at convincing ourselves that this has value. But if we look at it, it’s like that compared to what doesn’t really have the value that we think. And I’ve had trouble coaching coaches on things like this in the past, because they’ll get really good coaches are very, very hard to coach because they’ll maybe say, Well, I’m trying to get all my content in order before I get it on into a book or a website. And I say, alright, well, just keep in mind, you know, there’s a limit to that rabbit hole you want to go down, you’ll easily start making side tasks, you’ll get involved with yak shaving. So maybe just don’t do this, or I have a friend that he’s always talking about how overworked he is. But, he always volunteers. He’s always volunteering and doing more things. And it’s because he likes doing that something that’s great. And it doesn’t mean you can’t do it. But you have to say, does it have the main value or ROI for my biggest goal in the moment. So you have to be really clear about the value of ROI for avetta. The value and ROI of her getting her course onto the website is obviously very high. Right? Even if it does take a lot of energy, and it’s complex, it’s high priority that signifies how time sensitive this is. And this should really guide your value and ROI, right, like, Yes, I know you want to do all these things. But what are your biggest priorities right now? What is that immediate importance of this task in relation to those objectives? And those deadlines? And then what kind of like resources do you have right now to be able to do this? So the point being, when people would tell me oh, you should look at the Eisenhower matrix. you should do it, you should delegate it, whatever I’d be like, Yeah, but there are some things that it becomes really unclear as to, you know, who I should delegate this of to, or how I can find help. So let’s run through a very clear example, let’s say, all right, that there’s an entrepreneur that’s really passionate about graphic design. And they’re really skilled at it, it doesn’t drain their energy, they derive a lot of satisfaction from it. On the surface, it seems like a really optimal use of their time and energy. But let’s peel back the layers a bit. Let’s say a chosen task might be of low complexity, and aligns with their skills and desires and doesn’t drain their energy. But if it’s not high importance or urgency in their current business age, or it doesn’t bring a high ROI, then there’s a misalignment. So you could certainly argue that tasks, especially for this individual, like graphic design could bring long term value, even if it’s not immediate. And that’s a valid point. But, you know, you have to still say, like, where am I at right now? And how does that define or determine who I should outsource this to? You know, and this is where it comes down to not having enough pride to ask for help. avetta eventually realized, like, I know, I need to do all these things, but it’s eating away my life. I’m not showing up in the relationships that I have the way that I want to right now, because I’m obviously so worried about this. Okay, I clearly need to find somebody, whether it’s an assistant or an integrator that can help me. And then we usually get the questions, where can I find it. And of course, there’s things like Upwork, and Fiverr, or whatever. 


But what I want you to do, the most important thing here that I want you to think about is go through, like write down, write down a list of almost everything that you’re doing, write down a list of literally almost every thing that you are doing. And for each task, rate it from one to five for each category, you know, in that priority, ROI, desire, you know, and for things like energy, that will be like it can be an inverse rating. So how much energy doesn’t require of you write one could be like, high energy five is low energy. So with a podcast, it certainly takes energy, but compared to writing, or writing a blog, not so much. So that’s a really good thing to kind of utilize there as well. But the point is just kind of score these things. And if you find that you’re in a situation where like, holy crap, like almost everything, it let’s say, priority, how important is this task? It’s, I’m trying to think of a task I can give many of you because I want to think about it. It’s such a wide ranging kind of thing here. But let’s say you’re running a group or you’re running a meeting, because that’s a lot of our audience’s they don’t separate themselves from certain things. They feel like they’ve got to do it all or it’s not going to get done, right. So let’s say you have all these things or five priority, these are all really important. And you’re saying well, they’re all five, they all bring a lot of value to your business. And then your skill level for those things is kind of like well, five here, one here. Well, what’s your desire? And you don’t have like a one a desire to do any of them because you wish somebody else would step up, and so on and so forth, you start to get an idea of this data. You know, you just start to say, wow, like, there’s a lot of things, I’m one, I’m probably not being really clear on what is a priority, how important they are. And if I do think everything’s a priority, then I really needed to define ROI. And if you’re sitting there saying, well, everything’s a priority, and all these priorities that I listed are high ROI. Okay, fine. But then, what’s the time sensitivity of though you still have to have a way of first principles strategy, to breaking these things down. And that’s why it just you have to get really specific, most of you try to do too much. So an example here just to narrow this down, I have to get the next draft of my book done by December 2. Okay, I also try to give you guys a podcast each week. Now we’re going to in the future, at some point, do some replays because we’ve had people ask for that. They’re like, Hey, have you ever done something where you replay some of your most popular episodes? I’m like, Yeah, we haven’t done that. But we should. And for a while, I didn’t feel like I should, because I’m like, I don’t know. But then I thought, Why listen to these podcasts. I’m like, Wait, this is a great example. For me, I have to get all this writing done. I have to serve all these clients that I have. We have to run our coalition, we have to do the podcast. So I am somebody that, wow, I have all these priorities. And these do bring values. But still, I have to say, okay, Brett, what’s one of the things right now, if it fails miserably, is going to have the highest cost to your business, your reputation and your bottom line. 


Hey, before we dive back into today’s episode, I’ve got something special for you. If you’re like me, you’re driven to understand a lot of the nuances of communication, leadership coaching, and the psychology that powers it all. And if you’ve ever wanted to connect with others who share those ambitions, please check out our mighty networks community, you can go to, to get all the details. But here’s the skinny. Some of the benefits here are that you’re going to get targeted learning, we don’t really do surface level chatter, our community is a deep dive into topics like social agility, power dynamics, and truly effective communication. Think of it kind of as an ever growing resource library curated by people as dedicated as you. And it’s stuff that I’m not going to say or share on social media, because we can’t guarantee that it actually gets to you and our community, it will, there’s a lot of high quality networking, this isn’t your run of the mill networking space, you can connect with fellow entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders, all of whom are vetted for their expertise, or at least their desire to contribute meaningfully, you’re gonna get expert insight from my team and I and accountability, you ultimately will get out of it, what you put into it. But if you’re budget conscious, you still want to learn, you don’t want to have to worry about over committing to something but you want to dive deeper, go to now and check it out, we have a great deal, check it out for 30 days dive into the content, you’re not going to see this stuff anywhere else. That’s


Which one of these things right now, if it fails miserably is going to have the highest cost to your business, your reputation and your bottom line. Well, without a doubt right now, given the contract that I’m under with my new book, it’s that if my next if I don’t meet deadlines, and I’m in breach of contract and all these things, there’s nothing, there’s no amount of podcasts I can put out. There’s no amount of newsletters I can write, there’s no amount of any of that that is going to undo that damage. There just isn’t. So that means I’ve got to set clear boundaries around that. So even though that energy drain might be very high, and the complexity is very high, that is a very clear priority, that is a five out of five out of five, and that value. But I think that’s where some of you don’t think of this is you start thinking of all these things that you can do. And you’re capable of doing and you want to do or even if you don’t want to do it, you end up becoming the hero of your own story. So you force yourself to do it or you make yourself believe it. You need to start thinking hey, if I didn’t do blank, what would really crater me? And that’s where you’ve got to get very, very, very clear. Now you can be a devil’s advocate and say, Yeah, Brett, but in your example, I don’t know. Like, if you don’t serve your clients, well, that’s not on the table. I’m going to show up and I’m going to serve my clients well, but there’s at least three to four other things that I can be a little bit more strategically resourceful. See, we’re all our worst enemy. I sat there and I thought okay, I can’t do a replay of certain episodes, or okay, if I shared something in our mighty networks, I can never possibly share that in the newsletter again, or vice versa. Yet I look at my behaviors. And I think why don’t worry about these things. As long as I’m getting helpful information from a resource or whatever, that doesn’t matter to me, and I want to relearn, but I’d hold myself to this ridiculous standard that I didn’t expect. Or sometimes I expected other people to hold themselves to, and it just constrained it. So really, for some of you, it has nothing to do with time management is my point here. It has everything to do with your not being clear about your true priorities, the value or ROI that brings you and you’re not looking at this holistically. But you do need to, and you also need to realize it’s totally okay, on the flip side, to do some things that are high desire, you love doing, you have high skill for, and maybe they have low ROI for your business or your job right now, some of that is just like, Guess what, if playing video games is something you’d like to do periodically have high desire or, for me when I work on certain presentations, the design of the aesthetic can be relaxing. There’s other times in my life where that’s not so much. But I know I don’t have to go into such detail with everything that I create. I know that but I like to sometimes. But that’s the key phrase, sometimes. So, you know, I know we have a society that wants everything that can be in a certain matrix, or a certain quadrant, or some kind of clean visual. But sometimes it literally is just about being a little bit more strategic in your planning, being a little bit more strategic and looking at everything, and writing that down and realizing Wow, yeah, I’m burnout, not because I don’t have enough time. But rather, because I’m doing too many things that I’m low skilled at, are really complex. And I am not asking for help. I am not willing to pay somebody 10 or $20 an hour to help me create this or to help me get that in order. And then you just like, it comes from so many places and insecurity and obsession with busyness, that aversion to delegation. These are all just shackles, they blind you to that. They blind you to it. And then some of you might even be like, Well, I don’t want to do all this, okay, that’s fine if you don’t want to, but just accept the consequences. Because your family will feel the brunt of it. And a close friend of mine, we were talking about this the other day, I said, if you don’t go down this and you don’t look at kind of your time and energy management and all these things, you’re going to feel it with your family. And we’ve all had those moments. So this isn’t really something that I think I have to convince many of you because life will do it on its own. Right, you have loved ones, you have a lot of other things like the toll on these relationships will reverberate throughout your life. And that strain, that unnecessary strain will spill over into all of your professional endeavors. So your depleted emotional state will start to hamper your creativity, your decision making your overall effectiveness, your work light, like all of those kinds of things. So to be able to do that, you’ve got to have those things locked in. 


Alright, so I’m gonna go over those categories one more time, and be really clear about what I’m saying here. Just like time, energy is a finite resource, that is what many of you are dealing with. So we have to make sure that we look at everything that we’re doing. And then we lay out, okay, we’re realistic, what’s my level of skill as it pertains to blank? What’s my level of desire to do blank? What, what amount of energy does this take out of me? What is the level of complexity of the task? What’s the value or ROI the priority, the resources I have at my disposal. So if you’re doing things where you have low skill, low desire, but they take a lot of energy, and they’re very complex, and you don’t have the resources you need, no wonder you feel like you do. The goal then is to flip that. Find somebody you can hire to your team, find a contractor, find some other source, somebody just whether it’s task management, software, Trello, Asana, find something, but the answer isn’t just to go further, further, further, further and keep doing this and this, because some of the things that you’re low skill that you don’t have a desire for and are very complex, but also have high ROI. Right, somebody else will feel the opposite. They’ll have high desire, they can do these things. So that’s to just also the value of being open. Just being able to say, hey, like, I need some support here. And I’ve had to do this, there are times where I had to tell members of our staff, hey, normally, I really like making these slides and doing this, but I’ve got to fight this war over here, can you take this on, you know, I’ll set you up for success, but I need you to take this on. And it was good, because even if they didn’t like to do it, they may be needed to grow in that area. And then just remembering our advice is always based on pragmatism, there are going to be times where you’re just going to have to do some stuff, that is very complex, and in high ROI, and you’re not gonna have the resources or skill for but then the main thing is just alright, don’t accept a lot of other things around that. You just gotta be like, No, some of you have to be okay saying no. And you have to just look at the bigger picture, you have to say What time of year is it, it’s, it’s interesting, it’s almost like, and we are given this example, one time, if somebody came to me in a previous life, and they’re like, I want to get in the best shape possible. And I’m going to try to do this during the holidays, that is a very literal example of the limitations of this. What do we know about during the holidays? Well, you’re gonna be traveling, you’re gonna see family, there’s gonna be a lot of different kinds of rich food, probably not the most likely time for you to start the hardest training program of your life or something complex. So you need to look at that as well, look at the timing element, do you need to be doing all those things. But at the end of the day, it’s just real simple, quit thinking that it’s time management, think of it as management of all these resources, but specifically that energy piece of it, and start identifying those asymmetries even if you only lay out five key tasks, right? And you start finding that, yeah, you’re this person that’s like this pain sponge. And you’re almost always doing things that are highly complex. You don’t have the resources for you don’t have the skill for all there’s no time management stuff that’s going to save you for that. There just isn’t. So that’s what I want you to think about and also just acknowledging some other things, right? Important, urgent, not important, but urgent, urgent, not important. It’s really not critical for us to get into those things I know that can be valuable. And because somebody was like, Well, isn’t it better that I just identify everything is that I don’t know, well, busy people have a tendency to define damn near everything as urgent. They do. You know, they do. And I just think that this is also a useful thing that you can do with your staff. Ask people on your staff to say, Hey, what are some of the key things you’re working on right now? And how does this line up with these categories that Brett laid out? How does that line up? Or who’s doing a lot of high energy? Low value tasks? Do we really need to be doing this? If you can’t question everything, that’s not exactly a healthy work relationship. There’s a great excerpt in Walter Isaacson’s new book about Elon Musk. And he just you know Elon Musk, whether you love him or hate him, he always talks about how he takes this, everything is questioned, hey, this seemed like high ROI, and high value. But if a lot of my staff came to me, and we all decided, hey, this doesn’t make sense than I needed, to know how to cut that there’s times a push. But there’s also times when you need to know how to cut that. So if I had to name this anything, it would almost be this like, personal energy task framework, I’m sure I’ll come up with something down the road. 


But all I want you to do is just reevaluate these things regularly reassess some of these tasks in accordance to the categories I gave you reassess them. And if you have to do it, sometimes you might just have to develop those skills. Sometimes a task is high energy, because it’s outside of our skill set. Well, guess what you’re gonna need to learn that skill set, I didn’t learn how to do everything that I know how to do. Right now, like writing this book has made me significantly better at writing and probably the editing process, it’s been a completely different piece here. Right, but you’re gonna have to develop some skills. If my wife Liz was on this podcast, she’d tell you how much he’s had to learn about bookkeeping in this, there’s gonna be those things. So I hope I’ve been clear. Remember, remember, remember the fifth of November the event at a callback there? Here are the categories once again, skill, desire, energy, complexity, value, or ROI, priority and resources, go through, reassess and audit, you want to look at everything that you’re doing. And you want to get an idea of where are you skewing? Are you doing a lot of things where you’re highly skilled, and you know, they’re not that complex, where’s the asymmetry, because you might not even feel like you might be highly skilled at a lot of things, but they’re relatively low ROI. And for some of you that have a large or even moderate staff, you know that that’s a dangerous thing. employ somebody that is, quote unquote busy. But really like, they’re just doing a lot of things that they’re already highly skilled that they like doing. But they don’t have a lot of ROI, you’ve got to identify that. And you’ve got to make sure their time is better spent elsewhere. And then some of you also need to say, hey, maybe my staff has been dealing with a lot of complex stuff for a while, let’s give them some time to do some stuff that’s on the other end of that spectrum. But somewhere within here, there’s a lot of asymmetries there is, and that’s what you need to identify. 


If there’s anything about this, that was unclear anything about this, this idea that energy management and ensuring we have the resources we need to do what we want to do what we have to do high ROI let us know, reach out to us at And remember, all I’m saying is that when you feel like you’re underwater, you need to reassess where you are with these things. Because you are likely your own antagonist. And you’re not looking at this kind of big picture. Okay, you’ve got to seek support, you’ve got to be relentless in your professional development. You’ve got to reassess systems all the time. Right? And then this will ultimately help you delegate with more clarity, because you’re going to be able to see the things that oh, yeah, this makes the most sense. 


All right. Until next time, we will talk to you soon please send this to somebody that might need it. Okay we have so much more coming out? Also, have you have favorite episodes that you’re like, hey, I love this one. Do a replay of that. We’re gonna do things on how to combat the holiday blues. We’re gonna bring back an episode on my my favorite strategies for becoming a more effective learner because I’ve had to learn a lot of new skills over the past five to seven years. We always want to be of service but please tell people about us leave a review and we are thankful for you always.

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