Here are your results
Your Primary Drive Is:
Helping others is your primary focus in your life and work. As long as you are there for those you love, those seeking guidance or those who are less fortunate, you could care less about being noticed, recognized, or being seen as an “authority.”
Steady, conscientious and responsible, you feel a strong sense of growth through giving. When something matters to you deeply, you are resolute in listening to and lightening the burden of those who depend on you, as well as those who may need a mentor.
You are not driven by titles, money, or other forms of vanity as you realized those are ephemeral compared to the lasting impact you can make on someone’s life. Empathy and compassion flow through your work, and you are inspired by the idea of helping others avoid common mistakes, so they can become the best versions of themselves.

- Listening: You recognize that listening is the true foundational skill for leadership. Seeking to understand others speaks to your sense of compassion as well as to your long-term commitment to helping them see things through.
- Legacy: You believe life is incomplete if you do not seek to make a meaningful contribution to others, a particular cause, or issues within your community. You have a strong sense of doing things right, and in the event you feel like you didn’t deliver as promised, an apology is never enough. Because of this, people look to you when it comes to finding someone who can get the job done.
- Loyalty: A strong sense of responsibility compliments your other strengths. You are someone who is honor bound to the core, knows who they are, and invests in long term relationships.
- Burnout: The level of commitment and compassion you show others means saying “no” doesn’t come easy to you. While this can be virtuous, if left unchecked it will also become a vice. Knowing how to lend a hand also means you need to recognize when you need to let go or delegate. Remember, charity begins at home and you cannot pour from a bucket that isn’t full.There is a reason airplane passengers are told to put on their own oxygen mask before helping those around them. Understand the power of boundaries and self-care. No matter how “soft” either may sound, they are necessary in order for Servicers to endure over the long-term.
- Not Recognizing Boundaries: At some point, every leader learns that not everyone wants or needs their help. Those who are Service-oriented tend to jump into action the moment they perceive someone to be struggling. Timing is a crucial component of leadership. As much as it may pain you, sometimes letting others find their way enhances their sense of self and better prepares them for future learning opportunities.
- People Pleasing: When you are committed to serving others at the highest level, you shudder at the thought of disappointing others. While you may not seek praise or public recognition for your efforts, everyone appreciates respect and reciprocity. The desire to be seen as the embodiment of dependability, ethics, and loyalty can lead you to become bothered when your efforts go unrequited. Inevitably, someone will take advantage of your generosity, so you too must learn to say when enough is enough, so those who exhibit toxic behaviors don’t penetrate your circle or your organization.

As you review and share your results, remember nobody fits neatly into only one category. Life and our social nature cannot be forced into a vacuum, as people and their relationships are far too complex for that.
This quiz is a starting point, albeit a critical one.
Specific drives and even our responses to situations will vary depending on the context, including cultural values, our motivation to engage with a given activity, our mood, the physical location we find ourselves in, the company we keep, and numerous other factors.
To become better people, all of us must engage with activities that make us reflect more deeply on our tendencies, behaviors, state(s) of mind and perceptions of what drives us and others frequently.
To derive more value and growth, share your results with others, and join the conversation.
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There is an abundance of scientific literature that debates the accuracy and validity of many existing tests like this of which you can learn about in my book. Amidst these debates, people forget that we benefit from merely taking the first step by taking part in reflective activities of any kind.
From an accuracy standpoint, nothing will ever be perfect- and perfection isn’t necessary for progress.
Human nature may be predictable, but all of our behaviors are not.
For more accuracy, we strongly recommend you engage with this quiz multiple times, whether in varying emotional states, physiological states (fatigue, alert, happy, stressed, etc.), physical locations, times of the year, and even when around friends.
You can continue your journey by learning more about drives, leadership and communication by listening to episode 130 of our podcast, reading my book, or taking my online course Bought-In.