In Art Of Coaching Podcast, Podcasts

“How do I navigate this conversation?”

Have you ever found yourself asking this question?

When you consider everything that goes into hard conversations – the people involved, the message to be delivered, the timing, the power dynamics at hand, etc., communication can seem complex.

But it doesn’t have to be so confusing.

Today’s episode will give you tools and strategies to identify, organize, and leverage the factors at play in the delicate dance we call “conversation.”

It’s not the full monty, but when you piece it together with a handful of our other resources, knowing the 4 styles of communication will help you view your conversations from a new vantage point.

In addition to the 4 styles, we give specific examples of how to piece together several components of conversation, including:

Knowing the information is one thing, but practicing and applying it is what actually moves the needle.  If you’re looking for guidance and feedback on how to apply this information to your life, you need to start with our Conscious Coaching Challenge.

Starting in October, The Challenge a 30-day online and interactive “minicourse” that provides you with the tools, guidance, feedback, and support you need.  In addition to access to the entire AOC team and other members of the AOC family, you’ll also receive tons of FREE resources AND IT’S ONLY $99.  The Challenge starts in less than 1 month, so don’t wait! SIGN UP TODAY!

Referenced Material:

What Drives You? Quiz

The Apprenticeship Leadership Development Workshop

New Book and Updates on Tactical & Practical Tips for Leadership & Communication

Upcoming Event Schedule

Quadrant Graphic of The 4 Styles of Communication – see Reflection Questions

Today’s episode is sponsored by:

Athletic Greens: We get it, you’re time poor and don’t always get in the fruits and veggies you know you should. This is without a doubt the BEST tasting greens powder out there and they want to give you a FREE 1 year supply of immune-supporting Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit!

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Brett Bartholomew  0:02  

Regardless of the profession you’re in, leadership of any kind will always come down to people, how you deal with them relate to them, how you connect with them, and how you get things done with or through them. The fact is, though, is the world is filled with a lot of people who are really cruddy communicators, people that are not great listeners, people that think that they’re very skilled or talented, but really, they’re tone deaf, when it comes to their interactions. And they have blind spots when it comes to understanding others and their needs. In the past, guys, we’ve tried to help you improve in this area, even if you’re somebody that thinks you don’t need to, by providing online courses and live workshops, but we have now created something that is more accessible than ever, very fun and straightforward. 


It is the conscious coaching challenge, and it is now open for enrollment. I don’t want to hear oh, I have to travel. No, you don’t have to travel. This is online. And has all the details. But I’m busy. I don’t want to hear that either weekly near my staff are going to be dropping new lessons on topics related to persuasion, influence conflict resolution, asserting yourself becoming a better listener. And at the end of the day, Pardon the language screw getting better professionally. These are things that will help you personally in your marriage and your relationship with yourself. There is no such thing as being good enough at human interaction, the human element or communication, get to Right now, check it out, I think you’re going to be surprised. 


Also spoiler alert. We’re not doing any of this stuff on social media. We’re creating a really cool community something that’s very interactive. Think of it as after hours with art of coaching. I think you’re gonna like it. We’ll see you there. A quick note thing in today’s premium sponsor Dynamic Fitness and Strength. At art of coaching we serve a wide range of leadership oriented audiences from first responders, tag finance and corporate America. But we still also proudly serve our initial base of strength and conditioning coaches across high school collegiate private and professional sectors. So regardless of whether you’re a high school strength coach or a member of a fortune, 500 organization, dynamic fitness and strength is your go to for facility design. 


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Welcome to the Art of coaching Podcast. I’m Brett Bartholomew, and at a young age poor communication nearly cost me my life. Now, I help others navigate the gray area of social interaction, power dynamics and communication, so they can become more adaptable leaders, regardless of their profession, age or situation. This podcast is for everybody who is fascinated with solving people problems. So if you’re in the no nonsense type, who appreciates frank conversations, advice you can put to use immediately, and learning how others navigate the messy realities of leadership, you’re in the right place. I’m glad that you’re joining us. Let’s dive in.


All right, everybody, we’re gonna dive into a quick one here. Now, we’ve had a lot of back to back guest episodes. So my goal here was to give you something in digestible 20 minutes or less, but there’s something we got to agree on. Okay. There are some times when we do a podcast episode, and we really want to go deep, I put a lot of value into diving into the research, making sure everything is well thought out for you guys, because your time is the most valuable thing that you can give me. And I always want to honor that. And I also understand that not every podcast is going to be for everybody. But here’s the thing. On this one, we want to keep it quick. So I’m going to be very clear on the limitations


There’s going to be some discussions and questions you’re going to have afterwards, that are just a nature of me not being able to do a total Deep Dive. And to be honest, there’s also a reason for that. Some of the conversations we’re going to have, or some of the topics we’re going to cover today are going to be discussed in my next book. And yeah, you can call me Machiavellian or whatever. But I want to get people excited for my next book, I’ve been working on it for three years, it’s really hard, I got to turn my manuscript in next June. And then with hopefully, the grace of God, it will release in 2024. This is if you listened earlier, I had signed a deal with Penguin Random House, specifically their business and print portfolio. 


So even though the book will likely be done before, then we went all in on this investment. So this is a little bit of a hint at some things that are going to be discussed in the book. If you’ve been to one of our apprenticeship leadership development workshops, you know exactly what I’m talking about with this category. It’ll be a nice refresher. But the point is, is the book will do a deeper dive. And then as the book comes out, we will also dive deeper into it and bring this pack today is just an appetizer, something fun, it’s not the full Monty, but it will be very useful. I promise you that. Now that said last thing, before we get started, if you want to stay up to date on my next book, please just go to


Again, that’s, you will get on the newsletter because it’ll keep you in the know. But when the book comes out, and before the book comes out, it’ll also give you access to freebies that other folks aren’t going to get, right. So there’ll be little things that we dropped before the book, whether that sample chapters, whether that’s added resources, whether that’s ways to implement and adapt the tips for your life. So there is practical as possible. That is the best way. So we will know what you’re on the newsletter for and besides our newsletter, guys, we put a lot of time into that as well. So if you’re interested in leadership, communication, relationships, just being a more effective person in general, this is for you one last time,


All right, let’s get into this here. Now, oftentimes in people’s lives, they are going to all of us myself, too, we’re going to have situations where we’re not on the same page as somebody I know mind blower, right, duh. But no matter what we do, it seems that like, we still can’t get on the same page. Now we’ve talked about these things about how to ameliorate them or address them in the past. If you go to Episode 63, we’ve talked about power dynamics, and how that can muddy interaction and conversations. If you go to Episode 202, that is all about a variety of influence tactics people can use when dealing with certain interactions and people that can be successful. 


And like anything, there’s a strategy to communication, right? That’s the thing that most people don’t understand. They think, oh, communication, this isn’t a sexy topic. Well, it actually is because it’s the number one thing that drives human behavior. It’s the thing that impacts every aspect of your life, you can be the best at what you do technically, if you don’t have great communication skills that will always impact you at some level, in your personal and professional relationships. So we need to strategize for that when we get brought in by different organizations that maybe feel like hey, some members of our team aren’t on the same page or we’re trying to navigate some conflict here between this department and that department, one of the first things that we try to do is get a better understanding of the power dynamics via a framework that we utilize 


We also try to get a better understanding of influence tactics that people use within those areas. And then we also want to get a better understanding of the communication styles, which is what we’re going to hint at today, because they all feed in, for example, I want you to imagine four squares, like a quadrant, in your mind’s eye, right? Try to imagine this quadrant type situation. And again, if you’ve been to our apprenticeship, you’ve seen this slide. So there’s a couple of things. And this is hard to explain, you know, when it’s not there, visually, but stay with me, in this quadrant, there are four types, one in each quadrant, there is more realist style of communication. 


And I’m gonna be very simple here, these people are really no BS, very results oriented concrete, I like to think in some circumstances, I’m a realist, I’m always gonna tell you like it is, I joke and say, I’m the most respectful kick in the ass that you’re ever gonna get. When I speak emphatically or passionately or, frankly, that is never me trying to demean somebody, it is just I have this urgency behind my persona. Some of that deals with my past, some of it’s just how I’m wired. I know, we’re here for a limited amount of time. And also, the nice thing is, is when you speak frankly, with people, you know, like the right people are going to gravitate around you, the folks that you’re not for are going to leave, they’re just like, hey, this is too much, I can’t handle this. 


And the people that understand that you being straight to the point, and not, you know, fluffing up your vernacular, or the way you phrase things, is a sign of respect, because you’re just trying to get to the point. So there’s the realist now below the realist in the bottom left hand quadrant, because the realist is in the top left hand, and I’ll explain what these quadrants mean in a minute, is the analyst. Now you already get a hint at this. realist, and analysts are more task oriented type folks, they want to get right to it, as opposed to relation or people oriented relate, let’s use the term relation. 


Because relation oriented individuals, they tend to want to really work and influence through relationships, as you can imagine, this shared trust is buy in, they’re gonna really get to know people, empathize with them and connect with them. task oriented, people want that as well, right? These things aren’t black and white, but they’re just a little bit more towards getting the job done. And all of this mind you depends on the context. And I’ll go through that in a moment. Just stay with me. So below the realist on the task oriented side, is the analyst. Now the analyst also tends to be somebody that’s inherently skeptical, reserved, that has the name insinuates they’re very analytical, they too can speak in black and white or binary language, sometimes 


They have trouble playing in the gray if you would. Now, this isn’t always the case. Because as you can imagine, people are not just one or the other. It is always fluid. But people are also a mixture. So when you imagine these quadrants, imagine like these characteristics, being in a big circle, like a Venn diagram, these circles will intersect, but just think about it with me, let’s do a thought exercise. Think about somebody in your life that you know, is more realist oriented, gives it to you straight, you know, they care about you, but they’re not gonna mince words, then think of somebody who’s more analytical, maybe a little bit more reserved, like I said, they take a moment to process their feelings. 


Sometimes it seems like maybe they don’t really understand the people side of things, even if they mean well, these people can be heavy into research, all those pieces, you know, somebody like this. Alright, now let’s visit the top right hand corner of the quadrant, that would be the relator, right. And the relator is somebody that’s more of a visionary, dynamic, they’re fast paced, they’re bold, they’re going to speak to a lot of metaphors and analogies. They love to inspire through stories. That’s the relator. It’s this big kind of Tony Stark or the the old man in the woods that’s going to put their arm around you and just kind of try to relate to you about some things. 


Now, even somebody like Steve Jobs, who is a mix of a realist and a relator, or realist in the sense that that man suffered no fools. I’m listening to his book by Walter Isaacson right now. And by the way, he was not very caring of many people’s feelings when he gave them feedback. But he was also really good at relating to them by helping them understand the big picture vision of some things. He would push an engineer or programmer, for example, to do something technologically that previously wasn’t possible, because he would tell them how much time that would save not only in that individuals life when they booted up their computer, but if literally, a million people bought those computers, how many minutes from everybody’s lives would be saved, and how that could be spent on productivity and making the world better. 


People that do that, that are big picture oriented, and try to paint that vision. They’re very much relators right now below the relator. And this is just to make sure that you’re orienting correctly on the relation oriented side. is an empathizer. 


Support for today’s conversation comes from Athletic Greens, I started taking Athletic Greens because I wanted to see what all the hype was about, I constantly fall short of what my daily nutrient intake should be. Now part of that is because I’m running around being a dad. And sometimes like this weekend, when my son skips his nap, my day gets thrown off. Other times, it’s because I’m traveling internationally. And other times I’m caught in the throes of working on my book and my doctorate and yeah, can sometimes just forget a snack here and there or a meal. So nothing replaces food. 


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We’ll literally just take one scoop and a cup of water every day. Sometimes I’ll throw chocolate protein into it. Other times I’ll mix it in some kind of juice or smoothie that I’m doing. Whatever you want to do is just one serving, there’s no need for a million different pills and supplements to look out for your health. To make it easy, Athletic Greens is gonna give you a free one year supply of immune supporting vitamin D. And better yet even five free travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is go to Again, One more time, Take ownership over your health pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance today. All right back to today’s episode.


Now below the relator. And this is just to make sure that you’re orienting correctly on the relation oriented side is an empathizer. Now think of them as almost a stark contrast to the analyst. The empathizer is very thoughtful, they want to get into emotions and feelings. It’s not always like the, you know, if you were to think about Saturday Night Live trope, somebody that just all right, tell me all your feelings. And how did that makes you feel? Yes, that can certainly be indicative and are examples of empathizers. But I’m not trying to insinuate empathizers are soft, I just mean their way on the other end of the spectrum of there’s nothing more important than connecting with somebody. 


And even if there’s a deadline, or a task oriented thing that needs to get done. Nothing supersedes the relationship and making sure the people that they’re working with are in a good place, mentally, professionally, personally, all those things. That’s the empathizer. So as I mentioned, these things can skew and they change. When I’m defending my doctoral thesis, I’m going to be heavy analyst, right, I need to speak in those black and white terms. However, if I went to the funeral for a friend, I’m going to switch to be empathizer. So I just want you to think about where do you tend to be the majority of the time. And if that’s not easy, and you’re like, Man, I don’t really know I’m a mix, great, then you’re a mix, I tend to be a mix, the majority of the time, if you were to come visit me in my house, and you know, there’s just a pretty open context. 


I’m more relator and realist, I’m pretty no BS, I’m more of a visionary, I’m gonna always think big picture and globally. That’s the idea, right? If I’m having if my wife has a really bad day, or something happened, where she’s upset emotionally, then you know, I’m probably going to be realist, relator and empathizer. But I’m going to skew bigger on the empathizer. So that’s why it’s helpful to think of them like circles that are constantly in flux. And what we’ll do is, we’ll put a download available of just a sample of this, there’ll be a rough sample, and just think those circles get bigger or smaller, you go from this quadrant to that quadrant. 


As a matter of fact, in one interaction, you could skew all of these. And I noticed that about myself, when I teach our workshops, I might be talking about a subject, maybe we’re just getting into the concept first high level. So I’m going to be relator and a little bit of empathizer, I’m going to take this concept, really try to get in the audience’s minds and think big picture, then what I’m going to do is back it with a little bit of research, because all of our stuff is research backed. So I’m going to skew analysts and say, as a matter of fact, these articles by so and so and so say this and this and this, and then I might even go realist and say everything considered. The fact is we know the answer is somewhere in the middle, right? And I might bring that point home. 


I’m just trying to give an example of where these things are. When I coached athletes, when I work with athletes, I’m going to be more realistic and relator if I am let me give another example for my life just so it’s clear. If we hire Well, when we hired on a new employee and they’re feeling overwhelmed, I’m gonna be very much empathizer I’m Want to hear them. So think about these things. Now here’s we’re going to take it another level, if you’ve listened to previous episodes, whether it’s on one on drives or influence tactics, and I do want to encourage you, if you haven’t heard the influence tactics episode, which again, let me go back and double check is 202, it’s in the shownotes, you’re gonna want to do that, if you’ve taken my online course bought in that’s appropriate reference as well. 


Or if you’ve been to our apprenticeship, you’re totally on the same page. And I’m not trying to upsell you guys, I’m just trying to be fair, I don’t want to sound like everything I’m about to speak to his jargon. But it’s a cool, important point that I want you to think about on the drives end. And I’ll get to why I’m bringing these things up in a minute. Just if you haven’t done so already, go to take the free quiz and get your result, and then come back and start listening to this podcast in this place. Because here’s what I’m gonna say, what you’re going to notice is, when you’re trying to figure other people out, maybe figure yourself out, or figure out what’s the best strategy for a certain social situation, you’re gonna start to notice commonalities between your drives, the influence tactics you or the other person leans on, and your communication style. 


So I’ll give you an example. A realist, we tend to find that realist people remember, there’s this urgency, they want to get right to the point, usually, because there’s something big, they want to accomplish, they want to get a job done, they want to make a difference. This fits really well with our significance and add our adversity drives. And this is very true for me, I want to do work that matters. I have no illusions that guys, if I died tomorrow, the vast majority of you would maybe mourn me for maybe a minute or maybe a year, but the world is going to spin on. Okay. So I have no, I understand that I’m not going to like change the universe. At the same time. Our vision at art of coaching is to change the way the world interacts. 


So I do want to create something that while it’s maybe not the iPhone, I do want to be a leader in respect to somebody that like really brought what communication is and should be thought of as, at the forefront, how we should approach coaching, leadership, communication, all the that’s a big thing. That’s a significant strive, I want to do something that really matters doesn’t need to change the world, necessarily your the world could be your local world, your neighborhood, but I want my life to have mattered in a big way. Okay, the adversity drive, which I mainly am, that also speaks to my realist persona 


Adversity drives, you know, they’re going to go up against a lot of hard circumstances, they’re going to be very self competitive, they’re going to be very introspective. They want challenges. Well, people that have faced a lot of challenges in their life and meet them head on. And you know, all that, like, they tend to just cut the bullshit, they tend to get right to it. And so that really speaks to that. And I’ll give another example as well. In our mentoring program, we had somebody that says, hey, I’m really trying to get across to my boss, and I’m going to be very simple here for the sake of your time. And I said, Okay, talk to me a little bit about them. And they gave me some characteristics. And I really wanted to put this into a framework. 


So I said, Okay, I’m going to read off some communication styles, I want you to tell me where you’re boss then skew. So I read them off. And they’re like, Man, I think it’s really, you know, the realest sounds right? I said, Okay. Now, let me double check that by kind of talking about some of these drives, which of these drives really fit in here? And what did we find significance and adversity drives fit with the realist? Does that mean that that’s the only one that could fit with that? Of course not. Of course not. But that was the case in this situation. So then when we look at influence tactics, and I know I’m going pretty quickly, you can go back and listen to these episodes, there’s a lot of subject matter there that we put out. But I want to be tactical for you. 


The realist because they’re no BS, because they want to get to the point, they want to make a big difference. They’re typically going to lean on rational persuasion or logic based appeals. The facts are the facts. They’re also going to be fans of people that kind of state rules, policies or procedures. This is how we do things here. This is the expectation, blah, blah, blah. And then they can also utilize aporia, which is really, it’s a Greek word that really speaks to creating a little bit of doubt or internal dissent in somebody’s mind, to make them rethink their position to help them make a better decision ultimately, so I could even use aporia with my toddler, he gets up on this really high part of the couch and I go, buddy, are you sure that’s a good idea? 


You might fall and get owiet? Right? He kind of thinks about that. And then sometimes he gets down. Sometimes he jumps right off to spite me. But just helping people think like, alright, if Aliturns something into me, and I say, alright, Ai, are you sure that this is the best work you can do before I look at it? I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. But is this the best work you can do? That’s not me trying to gaslight Ali or be rude to her. That’s just me saying like, hey, think twice about this. So realists can very much tend to use rational persuasion legitimating or aporia based tactics. Let’s look at another example because I know this can be a lot. Remember, it will be discussed in my book and on books and podcasts aren’t gonna be enough to come practice these things in real time. 


And practice these interactions Get your butt to our apprenticeship. Let’s look at an analyst. And this is gonna be very similar, right an analyst, these tend to be people that are strong security drives, facts, and statistics represent certainty to them. And that is what security drives really like they have these things that lay out a clear plan or expectation, they also tend to be strong achievement drives, they want to push themselves, they want to think critically, they want to really get into the nuances of these things. And that’s why they’re on the task oriented side of things they want to achieve. 


They want to add more here and they want to implement Well, what they’ll use is very much like the realist rational persuasion, right, because we know they like facts and figures. So utilizing a logic based approach, or as Aristotle would call it, Logos is very huge to them. Pressure based tactics, pressure, despite the term doesn’t need to be a negative thing. And episode 202 lays this out. But remember me just having a deadline for my book manuscript, that’s a pressure tactic, or me saying, Hey, don’t talk to me like that, or get out of the house. That’s, you know, a different contexts and contexts of pressure tactic. If somebody steals from you, and you say, Hey, don’t steal again or elsewhere through and you’re fired. That’s oppression. 


So there’s positive and negatives of all these, but they may use pressure tactics because they’re live in a world of facts, and binary and black and white, they see things as they are, they might be very analytical. It’s either this, or it’s that where do you stand even making somebody make a decision like that can be a pressure tactic. And also they value rules, policies and procedures, so they tend to lean more on what you consider hard tactics. Hard doesn’t mean bad, hard just means good, more binary, less open ended a little bit more straight to the point. If we look at the other end of the spectrum, let’s use the empathizer. 


Somebody that remember, they’re more relation oriented, they’re gonna use personal appeals, of course, and that one’s laid out in 202. For you not trying to be redundant, or annoying and telling you to go back. Remember just trying to give you tactics, and trying to be realistic and honest and respectful of your time. So a personal appeal just loosely is when you call upon a relationship. Hey, Jerry, we’ve been friends for a long time, man, do you think I’d ever lead you astray? Come on, or, Hey, Monica, I got lunch last time, would you mind covering I left my wallet at home. Those can be very simple examples of personal appeals. It could also be, hey, Ali, you’re gonna go run this workshop in Salt Lake City, you’re gonna crush it. You know, like, I want to make sure I use a great example here. 


Remember, I trust you, you’re going to do a great job, we’ve been working together for a long time, have faith have competence, you’re gonna do great. Now, there’s a lot of other influence tactics wrapped into that. But there’s that personal appeal, we’ve been together, I trust you. I’m speaking to this past relationship. They’re also going to use a lot of inspirational tactics now. So well, the relator inspirational tactics is always appealing to morals and virtues and values, saying, Hey, we’re hard workers in this family. Or it could be Hey, this is how we do things in this company. Don’t forget what you do makes a difference. It could also just be looking at a little boy or girl that maybe struggled in something and you tell them listen, like it’s okay. 


Like, you know, everybody’s gonna go through things like maybe named my favorite characters, you know, Mickey Mouse went through this as well on that episode, or, you know, you remember, Elsa struggled with this, and then look what she did. I think you guys get inspirational tactics. So that tends to be the empathizer. So my point is, and I know we’re getting pretty technical here, and we’re getting fast paced. If you are stuck in a situation that you want to dissect, and you feel like, I’m not getting through, I want to be more clear, I want to be more just convicting and convincing and effective as a leader. First, think about what is your communication style, what might be the communication styles of others.


And again, there’s realist analysts relator empathizer, spells out rare because great communicators are rare. Remember that they’re fluid. Remember that it’s context dependent. You never whether you’re using drives and archetypes and this and that, you never judge in one situation. You want to see people in a variety of contexts. None of us are one way all the time, that’d be super maladaptive. Well, there are some people that are like that, and we know who those folks are. But think is my communication style aligning with theirs. And it’s not always about per being perfectly aligned. You don’t always have to talk to an analyst. With an analyst style communication, you just need to know where they’re at. 


So you can deliver influence tactics that analysts tend to use in a way that fits with you as more of a relator. The point is, is that you’re at least trying to learn the language, you’re at least going to that foreign country, and instead of just demanding that, you know, they speak your language or you’re not even trying, you’re trying to learn a few Words, right? You want to show respect to the culture. And that’s what we’re doing here. But the main thing it makes you do is just plot these things out. And that’s where you really use our framework. You say, Okay, now I understand there’s influence tactics. 


There’s the drives, there’s communication styles, there’s archetypes. And I’m starting to understand the patterns here, Brett, I’m starting to see why this didn’t work with my husband, or my wife or my partner, I see how this colleague misinterpreted me. I see, you know, and think about these things, because it’s really, really critical to understand these spectrums to get a mental model. All right. That is where we’re going to stop for today. I hope this is stoked your imagination, this something we have a lot of fun with that our apprenticeship again, not trying to sell you just saying that you’ve got to come practice these things. 


And I know I even have to do it on the podcast, there’s times where I have a certain style on a solo episode. And then when I have a guest, I have to do another. And that’s a little behind the scenes as a bonus here, before we go. One of the things that helped me the most just like I’m imploring you to come apply, it is me doing this on the podcast, you guys got to keep in mind, and then maybe you’re just listening. We don’t script the podcast, we also don’t have these people fly out. But you know, you can’t always do that. We don’t have a whole team that can research everybody, we’ve got to be very resourceful. 


And if you can think about this and put yourself in their shoes, we only got an hour. I know there’s folks out there like Joe Rogan. And that that can do three hours, we don’t always have that. And so you have to accomplish a lot of man hour, you have to take this stranger who barely knows you. You’ve rarely ever interacted with because a lot of times we don’t. And within the first 10 minutes of every guest episode, it’s kind of easing them into the conversation, right? It’s like sometimes we throw them a hardball question or a soft toss. But we either get right to it, depending on their personality, or we just tried to kind of let them come into their own. 


And generally, most podcasts, whether you guys like it or not, it’s just the truth takes about 20 to 30 minutes for that guest to really open up. Remember, they’re trying to figure out me, I’m trying to figure out where I want to. And I have to listen very carefully. So there’s inherently 10 to 20 questions in each episode that I really want to ask. But I always I can’t, because the goal is to make them feel welcome to challenge them to give you guys some great insights. Now remember, sometimes people are brilliant when you talk to them offline, and then they can kind of come on and freeze. 


And that happens a lot that that can happen. That’s nothing about them as an individual, it speaks to the messy realities of communication. So my point is, is when you listen to previous episodes, or upcoming ones, just remember and try to see how I’m doing that. Note that all right, Brett hasn’t talked to this person before nine times out of 10. They don’t have a script. All right, he’s got a balance between being a relator and empathizer, an analyst and a realist, depending on what the topics are, depending on what their background is, if they’re talking about research, or they’re just talking about a story. And he’s got a weave in and out of these quadrants in these circles, while also trying to discern what has to sell, that becomes a dance. 


It’s this very delicate dance or tennis match. And it’s very intriguing, but it’s been something that’s helped me grow a lot. And I hope that it helps you in some way to share these with your staff. Talk about it with your family, take those quizzes, listen to those other podcasts. And come see us at an apprenticeship workshop. And you can learn all about those at It’ll show you all of our upcoming events. Remember, as much as we love talking about these things you have to apply, you have to apply, you have to apply if you can’t do that. And this depends on the time of year in which you’re listening. We have very cost effective budget friendly ways to get involved. So you don’t have to travel at all. 


It’s 99 bucks for our art of coaching challenge, which is about to kick off. This is something that we did, it’s 30 days, we tried to make it Excuse Proof, because inevitably and you guys know this, there’s I can’t travel or I can’t afford this lesson, don’t tell me you’re going to do a 30 day challenge for your fitness and your finances. And that it’s not worth doing one for the way you communicate and you lead. So we know it’s not always feasible to do an online course, read a book, do a six month program, but you cannot afford obstacles that arise due to poor communication to impact everything else. 


So the very least check out that challenge. It’s a lot of fun. It’s a great way to take a small step beyond the book and the podcast to apply a little bit more without having to go full bore and everything else we do. And if the challenge happens to be closed, let’s say you’re listening to this a year down the road, you will have a waitlist and an opportunity to join in in the future. So check it out. All right, everybody. I hope this helped. Thank you so much for all of your continued support. Please leave a review if you haven’t done so already. It really helps us out. We’re a small team trying to do good. Hope you have a great rest of the week or weekend. Whenever you’re listening to this. Take care

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