Authenticity is a word that gets tossed around often in the world of social media, but few actually live it. On Episode 6 of the Art of Coaching Podcast, I am joined by someone who is sincerely authentic in everything she does, Coach Brianna Battles.
Brianna is former D1 strength and conditioning coach and corporate wellness vet who left both of those worlds to start her own company called Everyday Battles. Brianna’s company specializes in coaching pregnant athletes as well as educating coaches on how to help athletes navigate the physical and mental considerations of athleticism during these chapters in a woman’s life.
Check out this episode to learn why it’s easier to practice what you preach when you preach what you practice.
Topics Covered On This Episode
-Why Brianna started her company
-Finding monitorship as a postpartum expert
-The physiological considerations of the pregnant athlete
-Being a leader as a woman in the strength and conditioning field
-How to find great mentors
-The systems that help Brianna be a balanced and successful coach, wife & entrepreneur
-Misconceptions of being an entrepreneur
-Advice for women who want to get into the strength and conditioning field
Learn more about Brianna Battles here
Brianna‘s Course http://www.
Instagram: @brianna.battles
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Brett Bartholomew 0:06
Welcome to the Art of coaching podcast, a show aimed at getting to the core of what it takes to change attitudes, behaviors and outcomes in the weight room, boardroom classroom and everywhere in between. I’m your host, Brett Bartholomew, I’m a performance coach, keynote speaker, and the author of the book conscious coaching. But most importantly, I’m a lifelong student interested in all aspects of human behavior, and communication. I want to thank you for joining me. And now let’s dive into today’s episode.
Hey, what’s going on everybody? Welcome to another episode of The Art of coaching Podcast. I’m really excited about this episode. In particular, I’m here with Brianna Battles, who is a women’s strength coach. And we’re gonna get into her unique background here in a moment. But one of the reasons that I was really excited to get on an episode or get Biranna on episode is when you just do a basic search, and you talk about somebody that understands how a true professional should approach branding their image, the message that they send the example that they said, she has by far been an individual that I have been the most impressed with. I think that strength and conditioning is a very unique field that is still trying to find its way in terms of branding, I don’t think we always come across as the most professional, I think, oftentimes, we come off as extreme. So when I heard about Brianna, specifically from one of our listeners, and I checked out her resources, I was astonished very impressed. I think that she was a or she is a gleaming example that everybody should learn from I’m even making some changes on my own kind of online presence, specifically a website because of some of the things she did so well. And just being somebody that that talks in a fairly straightforward manner kind of cuts through the crap, I appreciate always meeting somebody else that does the same thing. So I want to welcome you on the show Brianna and I definitely meant everything I said there.
Brianna Battles 2:06
Well, thank you so much. I feel like so many of us get into this profession and don’t really understand the online business side of it. And I’m absolutely one of them. So to hear that you think, like the online presence is on point is a great compliment, because I definitely don’t feel like that is my strong point. It’s sort of a struggle to find. I don’t know how to find that way, of showcasing like what we do and how we do it and the message and effort behind it. So it’s a fine line to walk. But thank you, for appreciating it, I guess,
Brett Bartholomew 2:38
ya no problem, and we’ll get into your background in a moment. But just I want to tag onto that real quick. It is interesting, because, you know, there’s such a narrative of the importance of humility in our field, which of course, is critical, but humility can be taken too far as well. Like, you know, I think we grew up in a world where nobody is certainly going to toot our own horn. And we’re the type of people as strength coaches where, it’s very uncomfortable for us to do it, as well. But then again, like for your work to have an impact, it has to have an audience. And so if you don’t have that presence, if you don’t manage the real estate on the digital side, which is something I just came to learn really two and a half years ago, shortly before my book came out, my books been out 18 months, but I didn’t have a mailing list or any kind of online presence when the book came out. And that was something that I had to learn in a hurry. So how have you walked that fine line between, you know, remaining humble, making sure to tell your story in an authentic way, but also getting across that you’re not ashamed of the expertise that you’ve developed? And thinking and wanting people to understand you’re a trustworthy resource?
Brianna Battles 3:41
Yeah, absolutely.
Brett Bartholomew 3:43
No, so what were some tips, or what were some things that you’ve learned over that timeframe?
Brianna Battles 3:49
Oh, well, I guess, just finding authenticity, I think like, that word is thrown around a lot, and especially online and Instagram, social media. But I think like sharing your story and like, why it connects why the message and effort that you’re after, as a coach connects to what you’re trying to achieve as an individual and like a continual path of like self development, and just kind of sharing, I think it makes it so much easier to find your own branding. And instead of like having to create it, you just sort of capitalize on like, what you’re already doing and who you already are and what you already care about. And then the stuff that you’re trying to pursue more so that it speaks to your character just as much as it speaks to your brand. And so I mean, that requires some backstory, but like my brand was built upon my own experiences as a female athlete, and then as a mom, and then as a coach and like the intertwining of all of those things, and it’s just become pretty easy for me to connect what I do in business to who I actually am everywhere.
Brett Bartholomew 4:57
No, I mean, it’s well said. It’s easier to practice what you preach when you actually preach what you practice, right? When you’re I think that’s a perfect segue for you to go into your backstory. And then if you don’t mind, do you ever truly, truly, I mean, I think everybody says this on podcast, and I don’t want to become cliche, but you really do have a truly unique backstory. So would you mind sharing that a bit?
Brianna Battles 5:20
Sure. Um, my background is in like exercise science and Master’s is in coaching. And when I first got out of college, I was working in corporate wellness, that’s the path I thought I would go down. And then also sort of working in collegiate athletics as a sport coach. And I did that for quite a while, I also dabbled in like some personal training here and there. But I was always still very involved, like in the NSCA, and the strength and conditioning field and knowing like, that’s where my interest was, it’s just was sort of like a complimentary, like, passion on the side. But working in those environments really kind of exposed me to such a variety of people, everything from like high level collegiate athletes, to your everyday person who’s working a nine to five and wanting to find like a balance to be exposed to strengthen conditioning, and whatnot. So in a way that like, was more tailored to that for their interest in population. So I did that for quite a while. And then when I got pregnant with my son, which was almost six years ago, you know, as a female athlete, and I was one my whole life, I’ve always kind of identified as that I trained through my pregnancy in a way that I thought was complimentary of what I do have what I know, what I had bent what I had a lot of experience doing. And I didn’t really know the considerations that needed to be made in order to navigate that pregnancy well, and then have it translate into like long term health and fitness and performance. And so it was through like a series of events after having my son that I realized that are such a huge gap in people who knew how to work with not just pre and postnatal fitness because that just didn’t not seem appealing to me at all coming from again, like an athletic strength conditioning background, pre and postnatal was like, basically like a buzzkill. And it did not resonate with me at all. But I saw that there was like, you know, why didn’t anyone tell me this? Why didn’t I know that? It but it really took like experiencing myself to see, that need. And so I had resigned from my college coaching job and my corporate wellness job and decided to be a stay at home mom for two weeks. And before I was like this, I can’t do this anymore. And my son was about a year old at that point. And I was like,
Brett Bartholomew 7:42
What was that like? Going from your daily routine to being a stay at home? Mom, you know, what? What were some of the internal thoughts and dialogue you had going on in your head? Like, what were you saying to yourself?
Brianna Battles 7:52
Well, at that point, I just, I felt done working in collegiate athletics especially, and environmental that there was some leadership changes at the university that I was at. And I didn’t really feel supported. And so for me, I felt like a lot of peace walking away when I did. And I kind of got to the point where I was like, You know what, like, I’m good. I feel like I’ve had the impact I needed to have there. And so I was able to work with so many different young athletes. And it just it felt really rewarding to walk away when I did because I knew that in order for me to find fulfillment in a job like coaching which is like nothing but heart and like continual ever, I needed to be in an environment where I felt truly supported. And with the changes that happened there, I just didn’t feel that anymore. So I felt really good walking away even though it was hard I absolutely knew is the right decision. But to be a stay at home mom was also not really something that I had known. before I had kids I thought maybe that’s what I wanted to do. But I just was lonely. And I was kind of battling some undiagnosed, like postpartum depression and anxiety was just trying to do whatever I could to like, cope and manage. And you know, I knew after those couple of weeks that like I had to have something I had to have something to do that was still me that was still you know, connected to the stuff that I cared about intellectually, but also emotionally. And so I started a women’s strength and conditioning class locally, and I like begged my neighbor and one of my former teammates who live locally to come and just, like helped me start a class make it look like I have something going on. So it’s not just me at the gym. And like I beg the gym owner was like, like, I don’t have money like but can you just give me an like a couple hours a week to use the gym and see if it turns into something if it hits then great. Like we’ll work out something but like please. And, he let me use the space and it really kind of. It was Gosh, what was that like about four years ago? This month actually, is when I started that and
Brett Bartholomew 9:57
Brianna Battles 9:59
and You know, it turned into something that I didn’t really, I could have never planned. But you know, more people like more women in my community started coming. And it was nice because they could bring their kid and just sort of sit the baby on the side and like a little play mat area thing, where they didn’t have to choose between childcare and in doing something for themselves, because moms will just forever kind of have a hard time doing something for them. Especially when it comes to like having to arrange other or the things for their kids. So I wanted to make an environment where, you know, it wasn’t like the mommy class. It was like a true like a strength training program and something they could come to consistently and was fairly kid friendly. So I did that. And I was sharing on social media, like kind of my recovery from having Cade, and then starting this business, and all of it just sort of evolved into people asking a lot of questions and a lot of questions that like, I knew I needed to answer more effectively than writing the same email, like over and over and over. So I had done a lot of research, I had pursued a lot of different continuing education with women’s health professionals in order to really understand like, what does our body go through during pregnancy? How do our athletic like choices and interests and training styles, our tendencies or habits, how all of these things contribute to like, the anatomy and physiology of a woman in a way that like my textbooks never talked about? None of my certifications ever talked about? Women’s health considerations nevertheless, like pregnancy and postpartum considerations, because now we’re seeing so many female athletes pursue higher levels of fitness, it’s like our careers are not ending after having babies. And so
Brett Bartholomew 11:47
it’s kind of like, you know, there was a certain timeframe, you know, even just a little bit beyond a decade ago, where if an athlete tore their ACL they were never going to be the same, right? Like, their their career was almost over now. That’s fairly, it’s still unfortunate, but it’s kind of quotidian. Right, like ACLs happen. We hope they don’t, but they do. And people still come back and achieve tremendous things. And so it’s kind of along those same lines.
Brianna Battles 12:12
Yeah. Yeah. Well, because I don’t know, like, my mom wasn’t doing like CrossFit. Or like, powerlifting when she was pregnant with me, right. And like, if she didn’t start doing anything, really, until my sister and I went to college. So we’ve seen this huge uptake in athletes that are like, you know, maybe they’re no longer college athletes, but then they start finding different athletic things to like Delve into. After college, maybe it’s CrossFit. Maybe it’s triathlons, maybe it’s to get to like, whatever it might be powerlifting, or they’re just like wanting to have like a good like lifting routine, well, then these women end up getting pregnant. And then they’re told, do what you’ve always done, just listen to your body. And that is irrelevant information. For any athlete, most athletes don’t really know how to listen to their body, because, they’ve been trained to actually ignore a lot of the cues. And you can’t do that during pregnancy. And that’s kind of what backfired in my story in my body. And it showed me like, Well, God, if I didn’t know, all of these considerations, then I know that, you know, my peers, coaches and athletes also don’t know. So that’s when I did some mentorships with some pelvic floor physical therapists, I did some
Brett Bartholomew 13:19
I’m gonna ask how did you find who was your mentor? And how do you go about finding them?
Brianna Battles 13:23
Yeah. Well, you know, social media is pretty great. Like that. Right? I was connected to, fortunately, a lot of good coaches. And I was able to just sort of see like the, the path to, to kind of connecting the dots between women’s health and strength conditioning was, was learning from people that maybe weren’t in the strength and conditioning industry, but were in the women’s health field. So I started reaching out like Anthony Lowe, who’s a physiotherapist in Australia, Julie, we’ve who’s a physical therapist in Los Angeles, Angeles School who’s like in my community, and I was just able to kind of take pieces from everything that they taught me and connected back to the fundamentals of strength and conditioning and progressive overload and like how to adapt training, not just exercises, because everyone knows how to modify but nobody knows how to like modify the how and the strategy behind how we’re training during pregnancy and when to dial back. Maybe not just the exercise, but the volume of it, and like load considerations and all these athletes think that they are kind of and I say this like as this person too. So I’m not like really trying to put fingers here but like, almost like this exemption from typical, like typical guidelines and considerations. And we’re female athletes if we want to keep pursuing like, not even high levels of performance, but just like we see moms going into like the mommy boot camps and to you know, SoulCycle and whatever kind of classes their body I want for more women is for their body to support them before pregnancy through pregnancy and for the for the rest of their life. And whatever kind of fitness they want. To pursue, but how they do that is really like, is really kind of what we’re trying to get out there more because it’s just goes so far beyond exercise modifications,
Brett Bartholomew 15:11
when there’s a lot to pick apart there. I mean, one, I mean, bringing back the real definition of fitness, which, you know, isn’t what we see on Instagram with a lot of like goofy stuff, right? Like fitness is one’s ability to be able to carry out a task, right? Like it’s an organism’s ability to carry out a task. And that term has been run through the muck so many different ways. It’s an answer, what I admire about what you’re doing is, because I’m a big believer in like fundamentals, not fluff, you know, like I deal with the predominant like athlete market and, I have to compete with some guru down at the beach, doing fast feet, you know, nonsensical drills, telling people that’s making them faster, yet, every day I turn on the NFL, or every weekend, I joined the NFL, I don’t see anybody tap dancing on a side, you know, before the ball snapped, we’re gonna go out, right. And so I think I’m loving what you’re doing in terms of showing people how to modify. But also, like you said, why, and giving them instruction and empowerment on how they can continue to do that down the road, because it is alarming that whether it’s business, whether it’s branding, whether it’s something like you know, postpartum and all this stuff, like that stuff’s not covered in, like you said, our certifications, which is kind of odd, because it’s not unheard of. And I’m sure during your time as a sport coach in the collegiate environment, did you ever have athletes that were pregnant, or young mothers or anything?
Brianna Battles 16:28
Yeah, no, and we’re seeing that more and more, but we don’t have coaches that know how to work with these athletes, they’re given like a redshirt year and then told well, well, good luck. And unless you have a university that’s like really willing to support this athlete through that process, like their return to play is, like their chances of return to play are not that great, unless they have a lot of really key support in place. And so it’s kind of like, that’s a whole other market. Like a whole other
Brett Bartholomew 16:54
important one. I mean, I’m critical. Sometimes I’m critical of our governing bodies. I mean, listen, they can’t do everything, I understand that, but like governing bodies, and strength and conditioning are big enough now and have enough money that, you know, at conferences at these national events that they have multiple times a year, you wouldn’t think it’d be too hard to have information on that, as opposed to five different talks about how to squat or you know, somebody get up there and tell us for the 50th time, why they perform the hang clean, you know, if you don’t lecture out if you’re a Certified Strength and conditioning coach, and you need a lecture on why we hang clean, like you shouldn’t have passed the test and got your cert
Brianna Battles 17:32
Totally no, you know, like in in some ways, I’ve been able to kind of get that message out there into different strenght and conditioning organizations and like a male dominated field and get them caring about female athletes, because it’s not just pre and postnatal, it’s really like, women have different physiological considerations. And so it’s not uncommon to, know that like our basketball players are doing box jumps in their pain when they’re doing them. And that’s a collegiate level. Like that’s not super unheard of our gymnasts are keen when they’re like doing the vaults, or whatever like this. So this isn’t just like a pre and postnatal conversation. And so that’s why I try to like, identify more as like a women’s strength conditioning coach, so that it extends this need for adjusting some of our training strategies beyond just pregnant or postpartum athletes, but really to like meet a spectrum of, you know, when, especially when you’re working with athletes, and we’re high pressure, high tension, just a lot of we’re so good at compensating. And when our system is compromised by a baby, or by recovering from a baby, we need to know how to make some of those adjustments so that we’re setting this woman up for like long term health and fitness, and so that she’s not having to manage symptoms for the rest of her life. So, you know, coaches are the first line of defense when it comes to working with this population, and can either be great, like sources of referrals, or at least not make the athletes like worse, like don’t aggravate this and don’t we wouldn’t do that with, you know, an ACL injury so or something that we needed to suspected that there was a knee injury in place. The same thing for working with female athletes.
Brett Bartholomew 19:09
Yeah, no, I agree. And I want to touch on something that you had mentioned there briefly, like, not only are these topics I think issued for other things that we really shouldn’t be doing our own due diligence on as professionals but you know, what do you think? What are your thoughts about the gender gap as it pertains to just even strength females trained coaches in the field in general, I know, bringing that up is sometimes hard because there are some coaches, one of them’s a dear friend of mine, that’s like, she gets pissed Anytime somebody’s like, you know, mentioned her as a woman’s strength coach. She’s like, I’m a strength coach. And I’m like, listen, like they’re not singling you out. Like, there’s a demographic right now that feels underserved, like women’s strength coaches, and they are, they’re underserved. They’re underrepresented. I go, you should own that, like you should own the fact that like, you know, people want to hear your opinion on that because they may think that you have a solution and I get it like, nobody wants to be singled out in a different kinda way, but I think there’s something to be said about being a leader and being a champion for women’s strength coaches in a male dominated field like you have any thoughts on that?
Brianna Battles 20:08
Oh, yeah, I mean, I appreciate that we can have like recognition and a skill set and a way of communicating that might be a little bit different. And there’s, we can all kind of worked together and complimented the material and the education expertise. But I do think that it’s been, you know, notoriously still is like a male dominated field. And when I first went to my first like, strength conditioning conference out of college, so that was like, like, 2008, like, I was one of the very few women at this conference. And I was like, Oh, this is like, it was just so eye opening as like a 22 year old, like, Kid basically going there. And you’re like, Whoa, I didn’t really know, the extent to which I was kind of a rare, like a rare person there, especially as like a young coach, or somebody to try to get into the field. And so, but fortunately, like, I’ve had a lot of great, like, just a lot of great mentors who are significantly older than me, that could be like my dad’s age, who have just like, really took me under their wing at a young age and just said, like, You are the future of where the strength conditioning industry needs to go. And like they just kind of poured into me and gave me a lot of confidence. So I never felt like, you know, it was like this uphill battle so much as it was just like, do good work. Keep doing good work, keep showing up. Keep learning like this is we’re not at the end of the road ever. So I think I’ve just been really fortunate to have good coaches and mentors in my life who kind of who didn’t make me doubt my place in this, like, bubble.
Brett Bartholomew 21:50
No, I think and I think that’s a good friend of mine and tremendous strength coach that happens to be a woman is Jennifer Moyles. And I had asked her one time, you know, just in casual conversation, like you know, what, advice would you give like female strength coaches, and she’s like, a lot of them just have a chip on their shoulder, and they kind of just gotta drop that and not worry about being somebody else, you know, they just got to kind of own who they are. And, I’ve noticed that too, I think some feel like because it’s a male dominated profession, that they’ve got a coach with some kind of extra edge and I usually advise I’ve had plenty of really talented strength coaches work with me as interns or what have you that were females and I was just like, just do you you know, these guys are gonna respect you like if you do like you said, Do your job do X Y and Z You know, like, one thing on this podcast that we try to do, though, because I don’t know if it’s always done on other podcasts to the same degree. And, that’s nothing against them. It’s just different podcasts, different shows different purposes. But one thing that people have given us feedback on is like tactical examples of what to do can be really helpful. So when you say, you found great mentors, or you know, even any mistakes, like what is something that if there’s a young woman strength coach listening right now, and she just feels like out on an island, she’s tried reaching out to people to mentor and maybe they don’t get back to her. She’s kind of stuck, you know, and what advice would you give them how to find that mentor, at least how to identify somebody that could be a mentor, somebody that might seem basic to you, but could be game changing for them?
Brianna Battles 23:18
Yeah, no, I mean, it’s, it’s hard like, and it’s it feels like awkward, and like no one wants to help me but I find somebody you admire or who’s somebody, whose work you admire somebody whose message you admire, and reach out to them, whether it’s on social media or via email, if there’s somebody that you can just ask like, at shadow you can I just see like, how you run your program, or how you coach your clients? Or, like, where did you learn X, Y, or Z, I think coaches want to coach in a lot of different ways. We are like born to be helpers and connectors and things like that, like, we don’t enter this profession and kind of like, have middle fingers up of wanting to, like, help fulfill that, you know, like, coaching, I guess, in a wider spectrum. So I think it’s just taking that initiative, and asking, like, how, can I help you? And can I learn from you I want to learn what steps did you take and seeing like, where like what’s missing in your own practice, if you feel like you need to learn more about, you know, coaching in a sport environment, who will then like, reach out to that if you feel like you want to learn more about like personal training and like how to how to adjust those training considerations. Great if you want to learn how to work with female athletes work with like, ask the mentor under somebody who works with female athletes and then have respect for their time. How respect for
Brett Bartholomew 24:31
just a few things that went against because that’s one
Brianna Battles 24:34
time but if somebody reaches out to me, I’m gonna say, here’s the resources that I like, really, like, if you do nothing else, start here, and this is gonna get you and like, headed in the right direction, you know, and
Brett Bartholomew 24:45
Because that’s something that I still see and I don’t mean to cut you off. I want you to finish that thought. But like, I have to emphasize this, like, I can’t emphasize enough how many people they check the box of reaching out on social media, but they don’t do their due diligence first, like people like you. And so other people in our field have a ton of resources out there that are for me, even when you and I were getting to know each other, the first thing I did before I was gonna waste any of your time, like getting you on an intro phone call is like, let’s look around, you know, and I know sometimes like, I’ve been guilty of getting super frustrated with people, or they’re like, hey, that happened the other day, somebody goes, Hey, can we jump on a call for 15 minutes? And all I said back is like, Listen. Absolutely. But like, just so we have a foundation, like understanding and can have a good conversation like, are you familiar with any of my work? You know? And that was me and asking, like, what have you read? Or like, where are you at? So I know what what we’re going to dive into, right? And I was like, Have you ever been to a chance to read my book or any of the free kind of ebooks or articles that write or anything? And he’s like, the individual goes, No, I’m currently reading this book. But if reading all of your work is a prerequisite to getting 15 minutes of your time, I guess I’ll get around it when I can Good day. And I was just like, whoa, like, No, and I remember responding back. And I try to do it politely. Because I can be aggressive. Like, I think we all have that. And I was just like, listen, like, it’s not a prerequisite but like, just like you’re reading the autobiography of this individual you just told me about so that you can get a better understanding of them their work. All I’m asking you is to do the same man. Like we’re not going to have a good discussion if because people think oh, I’m gonna get Brianna on the phone. And I don’t have to worry about doing any due diligence, because in 15 minutes, she can tell me all that and save me the time. And there’s no shortcuts are kind of like a sugar rush. Right? Like people, they make people feel good the idea of them. And then when they consume that or go that route, there’s just a crash, because they realize like, that wasn’t fulfilling. And so I listen to what she said, if you guys are listening to this, I do not reach out to people unless you’ve done some due diligence, like, just respect yourself and their time, but like respect yourself, because it really makes you look unprofessional, and makes you look unprofessional. It’s not that somebody’s trying to make you fit into their business model. It’s not that anything like that. And if it is, like, Okay, well, business models are created some time we have this idea that somebody’s trying to sell something, then that’s a bad thing. You know, like if, people create businesses for the purpose of help, like hotels were created. So people had places to stay not, so they could just rip you off of your money to give you a bed. Right? So that’s just sorry, I had to go on that route. Because that’s something I’ve been,
Brianna Battles 27:23
and if we don’t have boundaries around our time, and what we’ve put into like, learning, you know, I had somebody I’m sure we’ve, we’ve all been there, like, You’re too expensive, or this thing is so expensive. And I’m like, well, that’s, you know, probably 100 grand worth of like education in that two hour course for you. But tell me it’s expensive. One more time, you know what I mean? Like, it’s really hard to, like, not get defensive, but I think we have to have our own boundaries around what we say yes to. And like what the prerequisites are, before we delve into any kind of like, mentorship, opportunity, or, you know, like, it’s one thing to reach out, but it’s another thing to, want to if you really are admire somebody, then you support their work. And sometimes that means like, by that means, being respectful to them. That means sharing their stuff. That means if you care and you admire it, then you help grow that too. And all of that goes back. It all comes back. It’s just a matter of like, you know, I don’t know, it’s just putting it out there. And then like walking your talk.
Brett Bartholomew 28:25
And it’s yeah, it’s expected, like, the accountability is on the person wanting to learn and wanting to find the mentor, I mean, but here’s the other thing, I think it benefits people to learn a little bit more. And I learned this late again, it was just in the past two years really take some time to really learn what making these resources takes financially, I had no idea that there are online courses out there that just to make cost anything from 10 to $70,000. And not only that, like you’re talking about, like going out videotaping you’re talking about, I’m pretty transparent about this not as a Well, me thing, but like, just so people know, you know, when I wrote my book, like that was a 20 to $25,000 investment from somebody that I had not made more than, like $50,000 as a salary at any point in my career at that point in time. And I was only making money really for four years, you know, and when I learned that, oh my god, like an editor and a graphic designer and all this stuff, and so it’s just giving people the insight that when you reach out to somebody and you’re like, hey, you know, Briana or Eric or Mike or anybody, can I have this for free? Or can I have a discount? You’re usually asking for a discount on something that costs that individual 10s of 1000s of dollars to make and numerous hours of their time. I know Brianna, you’re married with two kids right? Right. Like that takes that’s campaign for child just gotta understand.
Brianna Battles 29:44
Oh, like, yeah,you need me on the phone, not you like but like, you know, me on the phone or they want to interview me or they want to do this stuff like just know like, Okay, if I commit to that time that I’m also paying for my babies to be taken care of during that time too. So they don’t sabotage everything that I do
Brett Bartholomew 29:59
And your website hosting. And, this is education for anybody out there like, you know, I have LLC, and it’s $300 a month to pay my accountant to do you know what I mean? And, that’s stuff that I don’t think people understand in our field because there’s not a lot of entrepreneurs in our field, a lot of them are, you know, it’s salaried. And that’s again, why I’m saying, Yeah, because I was that guy. I know, all my jobs are salary, salary salary, that when I went on my own just two years ago, I was like, Oh, I’ve gotta get no seeable. I can’t do bookkeeping, what is that? $300 a month to do bookkeeping. And that’s just like, if my athletes come train with me, you know, and, so I just think that’s a critical point to bring out. Because if people have that information, I think hopefully, it will make them respect. All that goes into people like what you are doing and that much more it’s investing in yourself and other people, but you’ve got to know what goes into those things. And any of you listening out there, if you think that you can do it better, cheaper, by all means, like it’s go do it. You know what I mean? If you want to complain that somebody can’t give you a free book or a free course, or what have you go build one of your own, that’s how great companies have gotten started. Some people have been able to disrupt, and some people do it. And then they realize, oh, yeah, I can’t do that. And, that kind of brings me to my next question for you. Because you talked about like, how you know, the process of you going from hands on hands on hands on to now the realization of like, Oh, if you want to reach more people, to a degree, like, You got to get off the floor, right? It’s no longer this badge of honor to say that, like, your coach and 24/7, or your hashtag grinding, like, now, what does that process been like for you to realize that you want to reach a broader audience? Like, can you walk us through that and kind of the internal dialogue and steps are taken?
Brianna Battles 31:48
Yeah, I am. For me, I was all about the grind. And then I had my son who has humbled me from the moment I went into labor with him, like, he’s still he kicks my ass every day gets five and he kicks my ass every day. But because of that, like, his presence alone has demanded that I better figure out a way to, create a life and a career and a passion that fulfills me, but also fulfills the kind of like motherhood I want to pursue, where I can be with him and raise him. But I can also like, I’m not saying no to the things that I am still really passionate about that I still really care about, that I can be entrepreneurial, and I can be independent, and I can travel. And I can do things that are important to me. And I can also go to swim lessons on a Tuesday, and I can also coach his soccer game or whatever, like, I want to be able to do both. And so I guess that has been a huge driving force, because I never really intended on starting a business, but like, life, it just sort of kicked my ass in the direction I didn’t realize it needed to go. And because that happened, it was like, well, if I’m going to do this, then I better figure out a way to do it in a way where I am not, maybe not not a traditional business where I can still be really involved as a mom, but also kind of try to do both. And there’s no balancing, it’s just a continual juggling act. But that was a huge incentive to be able to create some resources that would have a greater reach. And just knock it out, put more things online, because that’s what people want is the access and they want to be able to get as much information in one place is possible. And I knew that I needed to like be really efficient with my time and, like being a mom certainly light the fire for the need for efficiency. And I’m good at that, I can do that. If you’ve ever like hustled, and you’ve ever, you know, I think anyone who has like that kind of athletic or coaching background, like knows, like, that’s a huge part of, being in this field is you got to be efficient, you got to hustle, and you got to get stuff done. And so I started creating some online resources and that helped a lot because then I knew when people and also helped me with boundaries, because I knew like, well, if people kept emailing me the same kind of questions, all of these answers are in this online course. And if you pay for that, they still have questions and let’s get on the phone. But like at least start there. Like I need to know that you at least know this and then you respect my time. And the money that I’ve put into this. You know, it’s kind of circling back to what we just talked about, but like
Brett Bartholomew 34:31
no, but Yeah, unfortunately, the vast majority don’t, you know, they’ll say, Hey, here’s the course, like, you know, let me know if you have any questions and they’re like, oh, and then they never look at it again because they’re pissed because they just wanted you to tell him
Brianna Battles 34:41
Right, right. And I still don’t get me wrong. I still get that like literally every day. But you know, at this point, it’s like well, then if you aren’t willing to respect what I can teach you then you’re not somebody that like I’d rather focus my time and energy on the athletes that I am coaching the people that do support my effort and my heart, my business. They pour frickin everything into it. Those are the people that I really want to, like, invest in invest my time and energy and resources into. So other than that have them continually evolve like, I’m constantly kind of adding more information like I’m redoing my coach course right now so that I can launch it in 2019. And like, it’s updated information, updated evidence of dating coaching practices, and that feels good to me. But that has come at the cost of like wanting to continually up level because of the people that have invested in you who are buying into this who see the need. And so, you know, if I guess it’s having those boundaries, and then knowing like that we need to constantly evolve and do it in a way where it complements the life that we want to lead. Like the closer we can find that I think the better off we are as far as like sustainability in our careers and our like, just our energy in general.
Brett Bartholomew 35:53
So good point there, because one thing I was going to talk about is, I loved when you told me that you’ve hurt when you first went out on your own, you invited friends over to make it look like you’re busier than you were. And that kind of feeds into this role that perception plays and like the credibility of a coach, right, going back to that whole grinding mentality. I think we’ve all I know, I’ve been there for sure. Like, you just think that like, oh my gosh, if I’m not coaching 24/7, at least when I went out independent, you know, and I was like, there are times of the year when I’m speaking and there’s times where I’m coaching. But what if I’m not coaching all the time? Are people going to not think that I’m and it just like I was like what am I like, what am I worried about? Like it was Steve Jobs, like making computers all the time, like was that guy just, you know, when he would is Jeff Bezos, the one like, you know, in the nitty gritty with Amazon all the time, like, there comes a time when you realize, and this was a huge thing for me. So if anybody listens to one thing I say, here, say this, when you want to grow professionally, it is not just about what skills you can acquire. It’s about what tasks you can start to shed a little bit. And I’m not insinuating that people ever quit coaching, like all never if I was a billionaire, I would never quit coaching, like I’m always going to coach. But there are times of the year where you know, you can come shadow me and I’m going to coach a lot. And then there are times a year where I might be doing more speaking, traveling. And here’s the thing, they’re both coaching, right? Whether I’m teaching somebody how to clean squat, do a warm up, go through agility, or what have you, or whether I’m interacting with other coaches walking them through those things, or Brianna is that’s coaching, coaching is teaching, it’s educating. And so, you know, we get caught wearing these masks to cover up kind of our insecurities of not, you know, being are our people going to perceive XY and Z, but listen to what you’ve done, like you’ve navigated some of these inherent challenges of trying to manage the demands of being a coach, a wife, an entrepreneur, you know, have there been, because you’ve been, and I know, you won’t admit to being successful at it, because we’re humble, but what habits or systems have at least helped you do that. So if there are people listening, they’re like, Man, I love how she’s talking about sustainability. I love how she’s talking about being able to have a family, maybe true balanced, doesn’t exist. But she’s got some systems in place that help her enjoy aspects of it. Are there things that you’ve kind of your shed or put in place? What’s helped you along the way?
Brianna Battles 38:08
Oh, boy,
Brett Bartholomew 38:10
does that make sense? Or is it a bad question?
Brianna Battles 38:13
So initially, I was not caught up in what other people thought I was so fired up behind a wanting to create a resource for my community alone, and like doing something, and it was selfish, like I was so depressed and lonely and felt like I was having this identity crisis as a mom instead of a coach instead of an athlete, and I was like, What is this like, I needed friends. And so I went into it initially, pretty selfishly, like I could just coach a couple days a week that would help me find my groove that would help me like, feel like I’m doing something and if I made like 300 bucks a month then like Hell yeah, like I’m good with that. It’s fine. I’ll make 300 bucks a month and I’m totally good with that. And so I guess I went into it with like, such freakin low expectations, which is probably not great advice, but it was accidental. That like, everything just it felt as it evolved it was just exciting and it was affirming to like okay, this is a thing okay, I need to pursue this thing. Okay, this is a lot bigger than I was planning but my God I better do this because if I don’t do it, I’m gonna kick myself for not and I care enough about it where like, it didn’t feel like a job and I know a lot of us say that but like when you’re grinding, but grinding is not enjoyable. But like when you can find something that you’re really fired up about that you care a lot about when you having like high impact that’s not something you can like turn your turn your back to so as far as like habits you know, initially it was just coaching in two to three days a week in person and literally only an hour so I keep my like, and to this day, I’m still doing that where like my actual in person coaching is pretty limited because I am also like, trying to run an online business and also like be the primary caretaker for my kids right now. So they’re both
Brett Bartholomew 39:58
oh my gosh, but if you don’t coach every minute hands on, you’re not a real coach.
Brianna Battles 40:03
Yeah, you know, and I would tell people to come to one class and tell me that right. So like, you know, you don’t need to be like in in the trenches all the time in order to be good, like I can write, and that makes me a better coach, I can get on, I can speak and I can travel and I can teach that way. And that makes me a better coach. And so my competing
Brett Bartholomew 40:21
Brianna Battles 40:23
Yes. And then like, is going to like continuing education seminars, like all of those things are continual investments in like what I am trying to do as a movement as an all encompassing effort. But also, like, in the one on one, consultations, and sessions and classes that I coach at all like, is transferable. And if I’m going out there and coaching other coaches, my game needs to be elevated. And so being able to, I guess, really, if I can, one of my methodologies in my coach courses, like if I can coach a really high level athlete that needs to have a top down effect to all other athletes, whether that athlete is, her goal is just to do her activities of daily living with like, no symptoms, great, I need to coach that person just as much as I can be just as well as I can coach somebody who’s trying to make a run for the Olympics. So if that is truly a methodology that I am preaching, and really trying to keep my skill set honed into then that I have to delegate things that I’m not good at. And that’s been hard as
Brett Bartholomew 41:26
Which is hard.
Brianna Battles 41:27
Yeah. And so you know, I hired like a virtual assistant. And that was a game changer. And I did that only because I was like a week away from having my second baby was like, I should probably have some health in place here. Because I
Brett Bartholomew 41:41
It’s freaky. I mean, Last year, I tried hiring assistant and that freaked me out one because financially, I don’t have it like that, you know, but I knew I had to delegate some stuff and what it was causing me timewise to deal with some things was more costly, right then than me just paying a certain amount. And I had the, individual stole for me, you know what I mean? And yeah, like, thankfully, we had signed a nondisclosure agreement, which, by the way, if you’re a strength coach listening to this, like, that’s very common in the business world, if somebody asks you to sign an NDA, that’s basically you saying, Hey, you’re a trustworthy person, that’s not going to share the information that, you know, they’re sharing with you and vice versa, like any good NDA is, a two way street. But you know, I’ve worked with somebody in the past, right? And I said, Hey, we’re gonna sign a mutual NDA here. And they lost it, like, they were like, You don’t trust me? Whoa, like, this has nothing to do. This is just a handshake. We both are starting on, you know, we understand that, like, it actually enables a higher level of trust. It’s kind of like sports science, when people said that monitoring, you know, catered to athletes that didn’t want to work hard, because they’re like, Oh, they’re going to be able to, like, you know, cheese out that day or not do effort. And then they’re going to say that, you know, they were tired or not recovering. It’s like, no, actually, when monitoring is implemented? Well, it shows that we can actually push people harder. I look at the nondisclosure agreement the same way. And there’s some education on my end, I didn’t know anything about this at first, but then when I ask people outside of our field, which is a huge tip, by the way, talk to people outside of this field. Otherwise, our field is so great, amazing, special, intelligent, and unique, in some ways, and so dreadfully behind the time,
Brianna Battles 43:19
like, so are archaic. Like, I have a BA in a business right now. And they laugh all the time, because they’re like, Why is this weird for you? And I’m like, well, because this isn’t done in my field. And I’ve well done and so yeah, I
Brett Bartholomew 43:32
guess if you’re pointing quote, big time is what people always say, it’s no big time. I’m just trying to get some help. I don’t have 20,000 interns helping me right now.
Brianna Battles 43:38
You know, being able to delegate like, once I was able to, like, let go of other things, it opened my world to like, oh my gosh, you mean I can, I don’t know how to make an ebook. I don’t know how to grow an email list. I don’t know anything about like marketing. No, that’s never been anything that I’m good at. I know how to coach, I want to coach helped me to the other things, though, helped me grow my coaching efforts, by doing the things that I don’t know how to do, or at least teaching me how to do them. So I can, you know, like, just try to again, be efficient, because if I don’t invest in that side of my career, it takes away from the me side, which is trying to be a mom, which is also trying to still be an athlete and like train myself, like I want to be able to spend my time doing things that I’m good at and that I enjoy. And you know, there’s some grinding there but if it’s something that like I don’t need to learn an entirely new task, you know, like in a marketing realm for example, when I have somebody I’m paying who can help me do that and they’ll do it and like half the time and make it a hell of a lot better than what I could do. So and that helps. Yeah, actually like the return on investment there is affirming because I wouldn’t be able to have an online business and online courses and, and do this without that kind of support because it’s out of my wheelhouse. Like if I’m going to talk about being a coach that refers to other experts when I’m out of my scope of practice, I better take ownership for that in my own business as well.
Brett Bartholomew 43:51
No, that’s spot on. And it’s I do need to make a clarification statement because no doubt there’s going to be somebody listening to this and they’re like, oh, Brett and Brianna are saying, you know, you don’t have to be in the trenches all the time. And this and that, listen, like, if you’re just getting started in the field, yeah, your hours should be on the floor the majority of the time, right? Like, you should also be learning this stuff in your spare time. Now, I’m not going to back down from that comment, nor should Brianna, like you need to learn more about business finance, because one way or another, like you’re gonna get fired, or your life’s gonna change, or you’re gonna have a significant other that you need to provide for, or that’s just a reality in this field, like, so dig the well before you’re thirsty. Otherwise,
Brianna Battles 45:39
Yeah, you can’t, like just give up all the things and like, go at it. Like, typically, anyway, you’d have to kind of pay your dues, and like, earn that street cred and then be able to up level, you know, and maybe not all at once, maybe just like, gradually, and, Yeah, cuz you don’t want to take risks that are gonna backfire.
Brett Bartholomew 45:57
Yeah. So on that point, building off that, what are some misconceptions for somebody that does want to kind of create more of an autonomous future for themselves? What are misconceptions or boogeyman stories that you think are kind of out there about being an entrepreneur, of course, there are a lot of them that are real, but what are some things that you could do to kind of quell the fears or, just kind of help them kind of be initiated to the realities of, what that life is like, because I think some people try to make I know, when I first told me, I was going out on my own, and this was an individual I worked for, they said, well get ready, you’re given this up to live the fast life and you’ll crash and burn. And I couldn’t believe that I had heard that from somebody that I had respected for so long. And I still respect I just, you know, when you leave something, emotions run high, you know, people tend to feel a certain way. But what are some misconceptions that you think you could clear up or advice that you could give anybody looking to do that?
Brianna Battles 46:52
Yeah, I think like, there’s obviously so much effort and you’re like, just You’re so emotionally attached when you are an entrepreneur, because it is your baby. Like I call like, my business that started with like, my second child, before I had my actual second child, because I threw everything into it money, my heart, like, my education, and then like trying to uplevel my education just to reach people. And it wasn’t even from being a coach. Like, I guess it wasn’t so much from my I have to do this career, I you know, there was no like half to it was I want this, so bad. And I feel like everything in the universe is pushing me to keep pursuing this. And so I was in a, thankfully, I was in a really like, privileged position where our, like, overhead did not depend on me, like being very successful, like, out of the gates, my husband was like, Well, you know, like, probably, you know, you can’t just be like losing money, but I was able to, you know, I guess just be able to pursue something I really cared about, and did it in a way where it wasn’t taking too much of a hit. So it was like all these little baby steps. And then, when I made that $300, my first month coaching like friends, you know, then I like put that into an account. So that the way that I was able to build up any of my entrepreneurial efforts was by trying to just take from the money that I was earning solely from business alone. And not just from our overheads. So I think the financial part is gets really scary for people. And this obviously looks different. For so many different dynamics out there. I don’t own my own space. So I don’t have that kind of overhead. But I really just tried to keep my overhead low. And my output high, initially with what I was putting online, what I was trying to put out there in my community, showcasing what I was doing, and then just being really transparent with my own story, because that’s what like really was resonating. But, you know, I think this has definitely been an entrepreneur.
Brett Bartholomew 48:58
No, I think you hit on there that I’ll actually like, I think this is the hallmark one right now to put any doubt in the genius of what you’re likely to say next. But the overhead thing, let’s talk about that for a moment, because when I moved to Atlanta, originally, I was going to open up my own place, I had some guys that I’d worked with from the NFL side of things for a while and they were like, hey, you know, come out to Atlanta, you know, we there’s not a place out here that really just kind of does no nonsense kind of full spectrum training. They’ve all kind of turned into like, you know, combine facility the way they described it was like it’s kind of like a conveyor belt, you know, these performance facilities that kind of chew you up, spit you out, chew you up, spit you out. So I remember I moved to Atlanta and I was like, I’m gonna open a place and at the time I had like three people that were interested one guy was interested in being a GM another guy was interested in kind of being the lead coach because I was still going to coach and handle my groups. But there’s times where I go speak right so I needed somebody that could hold down the floor when I was gone in China or whatever. So you know, all of a sudden one guy bails you know, health issues in the family. He was from, you know, Australia, so like, God bless him nothing he could do good to go take care of business and right, another guy, and I love him to death. So when he hears this, you know, like, but he got cold feet, he did, he got nervous. He’s like, I don’t know if this is my thing, like, originally, he had done private sector than he did NFL. And NFL wasn’t for him, you know, he appreciated the opportunity. But he just said, you know, I feel like I’m kind of babysitting grown men, sometimes I got to chase him down to work out. And he’s like, you know, I’m in. But then he got freaked out. And mainly got freaked out because we were close to signing the lease on a building. And this was like three months in the process. And a company came in and basically bid for five times what we were willing to pay, like a massive company. And there was no way like this was all self funded, right? Like, I was going to take out a home equity loan and stuff. And so I’m like, eff that those people can take that building. So that happened, like three more times. And then eventually, a guy that I’m now friends with, and he’s gonna be on a future episode, his name’s Neil, he’s like, Hey, man, I, you know, I work at a huge High School in the area. And he’s like, our stuff sits empty the vast majority of the time and like, I’d love to have another coach chat with like, you can train your guys, you know where we’re at. And I thought about it. I’m like, dude, like, I don’t take you know, I love you for reaching out, like, we don’t know each other. But like, I can’t do handouts, like, I have to give you something. And so like, what do you need? And the guy’s like, Well, what do you mean? And I said, Well, can I like donate to your school? So I found a way to like, get in touch with guys in tech, who are great company, and some other folks. And I was like, hey, like, can we work out a deal, like, these guys need a lot of stuff, I want to pay for it, I want to donate, because it was saving me a ton of overhead, right? Like, people don’t understand like a facility can cost you 30 To 40 to 50 grand, depending on space, just an overhead. And that’s not even talking utilities or anything. So I worked out a deal and I basically said, hey, you know, if your kids want to hang out and watch the pro guys train, like I’m all for it, like, if you want one of the pro guys to talk to him, like from an inspirational standpoint, we’ll do that. And then I worked at it. So we’ve done that, and I’m able to kind of work out of their space. And Atlanta works great for both of us. And then I’ll do privates, which is something I had never really done since I got into the field at 18. At 18. I was a personal trainer, you know what I mean? But I had done one on one a whole lot. And I started doing those at my house. So we fully out outfitted my garage gym. And I’m working like right now I’m working with a woman who’s a pro soccer player, dual ankle reconstruction. But same thing. Like it’s an adaptable model. And I still get the question a lot as like, well, when you get in a facility when you get in a facility, because as a trained coach, I think people think like, oh, to be legit, I have to have a facility. But that’s again goes back to our business discussion where if you ask these people that have big facilities, like what it costs to run that not what they make, because there’s a lot of people that are very well established, crushing it, and that’s great. But just ask them what they’re making, like what it costs to run the facility and expect a range it’s really none of your business for them to tell you directly. But it’s it’s crazy. And so,
Brianna Battles 52:58
yeah, and that’s not a responsibility that I wanted to be completely honest. I was like I want yeah, I’m trying to have a family I’m trying to have some freedom and I don’t want to be like rundown with having to show up and be somewhere for set hours and like it was just that just wasn’t the direction that I felt called to at all I was like no, if I can work from home, I can work during nap time. Like I built all my courses during that time for my kids like you have to know like what’s going to be really realistic for you maybe you want to be maybe really want to be a facility owner that’s fine but like it’s finding what you actually think that you want and what’s sustainable for your wife and your family if that’s a consideration for you. And that’s what’s going to help with the sustainability is like it’s finding what you actually want to do and really talk to people that are doing it so that you know like okay, is this what am I really signing up for like you know like because I absolutely never thought this is the direction I would be in but now that I’m in it I’m like well I will never work hopefully anyway for anybody ever like anyone else ever again. I like being in control of my freedom. I like being in control of what I say yes to and what I say no to now but that was after paying a lot of saying yes to like everything for a long time. But now I get to say yes I want to go do this and teach here and I want to create this thing and no I can’t do these other things right now either. So I like having that kind of control. And I think that’s the closest I will be able to get to like living the kind of like life dynamic that I want as being a mom and also a business owner and still like very involved in the athlete and coach
Brett Bartholomew 54:47
And you get the freedom to change your mind if you want to you know you get the freedom to continue to
Brianna Battles 54:52
evolve. Yeah, weird to creative of creatures to say like, stagnant in one capacity of what we have in front of us, it’s just the possibilities are really endless. And I think like, that’s what I wish more strength conditioning coaches knew is like, you don’t have to be working in a team environment, you don’t necessarily have to be working in like a corporate environment, you don’t you have a lot of freedom and a huge skill set that can be used in a lot of different ways. Because again, it’s that top down effect, if you understand how to coach high level athletes, you’re like, your foundation is huge. So and you can apply those principles to so many different people. And so many different, like tasks and passions and effort.
Brett Bartholomew 55:42
And that’s a fun thing about this medium is, you know, somebody could listen to this five years from now. And you know, I now I own my own facility, you know, or now you’re doing something. And like, it can evolve. Like when I was 22, I wanted to do that. I’m like, Okay, I want to go work in the NFL, then I want to open my own place, then I want to do this. And then like that evolves, and like, there’s still a lot of those things that are interesting to me. And if the right opportunity came, what I saw go work in team sport for sure. But I wouldn’t give up this business, right, like I tried to bring on somebody that could continue its mission and, I’d be involved to a certain level that employer would allow me to be. And then I always tell people I go listen, like when the timing is right. And if I have the right people around me, ie coaches that are mutually interested in business, mentoring and coaching, I’ll open my own place if I want to, but I have no desire to open some 20,000 square foot Mecca, that place might be a 2500 square foot shed on my property, you know if I can afford a larger property someday, or it might be a place that kind of looks more like a barber shop or a rib joint, but damn, there’s some good coaching going on in there. Like, you don’t have to have all this spaceship technology will should just do you, you know,
Brianna Battles 56:55
there’s so much beauty and just like the fundamentals and we don’t need all the fancy stuff we can do so much with but just good coaching and he’s got to show up coaches got to show up, athletes got to show up and a lot can be accomplished in that in that sounds alone.
Brett Bartholomew 57:08
And guys make sure that you’re checking out like as we’re talking even like go to go to Brianna’s website, all the show notes and everything are going to have the direct links to all these things. But just go into briannabattles.com. And I’ll make sure to put up the website for her course on postpartum and athletic postpartum. And that pregnancy and postpartum athleticism. And this is somebody that again, you know, we should be learning from that’s what the art of coaching is. It’s not just about communication and training, it’s about business lifestyle development, it’s about advancing and evolving the field. And this woman has done it better than most. And I’ve taken up a lot of your time. Is there any kind of closing sentiments that we didn’t get to that you want to lock on to or you gave a lot of gold? And I mean, you packed a lot I was I’m impressed.
Brianna Battles 57:54
Oh, well, gosh, I’m so appreciative of you having me on here. And obviously I am if you have an athlete that you’re working with, and you feel like maybe you need different ears on how this athlete is progressing, or any problems she is having, I’m totally open if you’re a coach, and you think that you want to learn more about coaching female athletes, especially through pregnancy and postpartum I am always open to, you know, getting emails and chatting a bit and seeing how I can support you. So I really just try to be like, if I can’t help, I want to connect you to somebody who can and like, that’s what I try to do, especially with that’s connecting with people. And so I think that’s how we grow this field. That’s how, you know young coaches can really get the exposure they’re looking for. It’s how, you know, female coaches can kind of get out there. And it’s just, yeah, we all just need to keep paying it forward and keep showing up. So
Brett Bartholomew 58:47
that’s huge. No better no than that guys I’ll say it again, like invest, you know, like, you, have to understand what people like Brianna put into this stuff. And she’s worth every bit every penny and this information is not stuff that you can find everywhere. It’s hard to find trustworthy people. And it’s just simple like you’re gonna get in, you’re gonna get out of your own professional development, once you put in free advice is usually free for a reason. And there’s certainly no app for accountability. So you know, do your due diligence, look into this stuff and make the most of the moment, Brianna, I want to thank you again for coming on. Means a lot you picked up the phone for a complete stranger we met on Instagram. But I’m here for anything you need. And I look forward to shaking your hand in person in the future.
Brianna Battles 59:27
Yeah, thank you so much for your work.
Brett Bartholomew 59:29
All right. Take care.