In Art Of Coaching Podcast, Podcasts

Parenting is tough. No doubt about it.

But it only gets harder when your child comes home with a story about their coach yelling at them, refusing to let them play or being “mean” to them.

Whether you’re hearing about this poor behavior secondhand or witnessing it in person, approaching your child’s coach can be an intimidating task. 

Having been on both sides of this situation, today’s episode is full of different strategies for deciding when and how to broach this conversation. 

Some of the specifics are:

  • How to choose the right time for the conversation (8:50 & 19:50)
  • How to practice ahead of time (14:15)
  • Specific phrases for initiating the topic (throughout)
  • The 4 categories you must be aware of to help shape your specific strategy (25:30)

This is only one example of some of the tough conversations we find ourselves needing to have in the messy realities of life and leadership.  If this is a skill you’d like to develop, if you want more of these conversations to go your way, if you want to avoid blow ups and other poor outcomes, you need to to attend our live Apprenticeship Communication Workshop.  Our Early Bird Discount for our Atlanta workshop ENDS MAY 29, so don’t miss out!  Save $150 and sign up today HERE.

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Referenced Resources:

E137: Greg Adamson: Downfalls of Servant Based Leadership

E270: How To Build Trust So You Can Do Your Job, Have More Autonomy, & Help More People

Book: Conscious Coaching – The Art and Science of Building Buy-In

Quiz: What Drives You?

If this episode was helpful, please do us a favor and leave us a review on iTunes and share the episode with anyone else you think would benefit from it.  This helps us more than you know, and we can’t thank you enough for your time, effort, and support!  And, as always, if you have any questions or specific topics you’d like to hear about, reach out to us at


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