In Art Of Coaching Podcast, Podcasts

The new year is here, and traditionally it’s the time we create new goals and set new standards for ourselves. But you know what ends up happening… February rolls around and we lose focus or forget about what we originally set out to accomplish. 

Let’s not drop the ball in 2022. 

This episode is quick and delivers immediately. If you’re the self-competitive type who is never satisfied with your work or someone looking to create even the smallest edge this year, you do not want to miss these three tips for having a successful year.

We’ll be honest, they aren’t groundbreaking but you’ll be hard-pressed to find better advice that you can put into action immediately.

In this episode, you’ll also learn:

  • How to lay bricks and make every moment count 
  • How to invest in yourself so you minimize big loss
  • How to ask for help the right way 

How To Reach Out to A Mentor:

Advice for Aspiring Coaches:

Upcoming Live Events:

Want to Get In Touch With Us?

Quick shout-out to our podcast partner Momentous: For those looking for the cleanest, best tasting protein and supplements on the market, Momentous is my choice. Their products are for athletes as well as individuals who just want to ensure they are getting enough protein in their diet. Code: BRETT15 gets you 15% off.

Support for today’s episode also comes from Dynamic Fitness & Strength. Dynamic offers the highest quality strength and conditioning equipment designed just for you, your space and your budget. Whether you’re looking to outfit your college, high school or professional gym or even just your garage, check out our friends at Dynamic and tell them Team AoC sent you!


Brett Bartholomew  0:06  

Welcome to the Art of coaching podcast, a show aimed at getting to the core of what it takes to change attitudes, behaviors and outcomes in the weight room, boardroom classroom, and everywhere in between. I’m your host, Brett Bartholomew, I’m a performance coach, keynote speaker, and the author of the book conscious coaching. But most importantly, I’m a lifelong student interested in all aspects of human behavior, and communication. I want to thank you for joining me. And now let’s dive into today’s episode.


All right, well, happy New Year, everybody. I know your time and attention are valuable. So let’s dive right into it. And by the way, thank you for putting up with my voice this week. Over the holidays, I managed to get sick when I was visiting my family. And I also came down with a solid case of laryngitis. But since we started this podcast in late 2018, we have never missed an episode, like ever. And we did not want to start now. So please give me a little bit of grace. If you hear my voice go in and out occasionally, or I take a sip, here we go.


I figure if Joe Rogan, and people like that, and no, don’t get on me and say, Oh, you’re comparing yourself to Joe Rogan now, but if they can sit there and smoke cigars, and occasionally have a drink, you guys can maybe give me a little bit of leeway here. So I don’t make this too painful for you. If you hear my voice go in and out. But we’re gonna keep this short. We want to keep providing you with value week after week. So I’m glad to be here with you. Now speaking of if our podcast has helped you in any way over the years, I would be tremendously grateful as with our team, if you would consider sharing it with a few friends. 


Our mission, as many of you know is to help coaches and leaders of all types, learn how to better deal with the messy realities of leadership, all of the things that cost us time, energy, money, happiness, sometimes even our mental health, and the like, the stuff that most podcasts don’t really talk about, or they sweep under the rug. Or they have some thought leading type celebrities that come on and, you know, give you some inspiration, but nothing really tactical to us. So if you know somebody who likes straightforward, applicable, no BS advice from fellow underdogs, please please, please consider shooting them our podcast. And consider leaving us a review that helps us a lot. And all you got to do if you have an iPhone is when you’re listening to this podcast, you just go to the share tab, just throw it in a message and be like, Hey, this guy shoots it straight thought you might enjoy it or make fun of me and say, This guy’s annoying thought he might make you feel better about yourself. 


Whatever works, sharing is caring. Either way, we’re happy that you do it. Also, I cannot start the new year without thanking the people that make it possible to bring you this show for free, Momentous and Amp Human really collectively won now. Momentous carries a line of NSF certified supplements designed for really anybody who wants to get the most out of what they do. It doesn’t matter if you’re professional athlete, recreational runner, desk jockey weekend warrior. I know it sounds trite, but guys, it got me through being sick. You know, I didn’t have much of an appetite. But I knew I needed to get fluids in me, I needed calories in me if I was gonna fight this infection. 


So I use a lot of their recovery, I use a lot of their protein, their magnesium. This is not stuff that you have to only use if you strength train. So I know many of you are familiar with my background as a strength and conditioning coach. But we have a lot of people that listen that are not in performance, not in strength and conditioning. And that’s the point you don’t need to be this is just for anybody that wants to be healthier. And it’s very easy. I give it to my parents are straightforward. And what that NSF approval means guys, is that you know what’s in it, right? This isn’t the stuff that you get in bulk at Costco or Walmart or Sam’s where it’s not tested. At the highest level. This is tested at the highest level for any banned substances know what you put in your body. 


And you can save 25% By using code Brett 25 That’s Brett 25. So just go to And you can save 25% Pretty straightforward. Also shout out to the Oakland Fire Department for the hat and Oakland California firefighter there who wants attended one of our apprenticeship communication workshops, and has since become a great friend Jared Neal sent me this what up Jen and Jared, love you guys appreciate you. Lastly, many of you have been emailing us asking about our workshop schedule this year. The first portion of it is now posted at So I love that you guys DM me, I love that you email us. We just don’t want to annoy you by giving you an extra step. So to keep it easy, just go to more added all the time 


But the one that you absolutely do not want to miss is the custom today we are doing in Atlanta on March 19 and 20th 2022. We’re going to be doing a hands on highly, highly interactive D dive on a wide range of topics for any of you trying to take the next step in your career. So if you’re trying to better communicate what your time is actually worth, pinpoint the unique thing that you’re the best in the world at your niche, if you will clarify your target audience, learn how to speak to them in a way that is really you and not salesy or theatrical. Right, you want to be authentic. That’s how you really are. Differentiate yourself from your competition. build a reputation that works around your own time constraints, and a brand that does the same. And more importantly, just learn to create something that you love doing, that people will pay you for. That’s actually sustainable. That is everything we’re going to cover. 


So please, please go to I’m going to be what’s the word ruthless, but respectful here. I know so many of you will reach out and say, Hey, I can’t do it those days when you’re doing it again. And I’m not trying to be an ass. But we’re not doing this one again this year. We’re trialing this. Many of you asked for it. We’re putting it on. And this is a beta test. This is our way of kind of saying are you guys gonna put your money where your mouth is, we’ve already had 10 people sign up, we are limiting this to 20. So remember, march 19, and 20th. Guys, there’s always gonna be stuff that gets in the way, go to right now, fill out the form and we will get back to you if you are interested. 


Alright, quick tips to start the new year. That’s what this episode is all about very quick, Punchy. So pay attention if you are the Self competitive type, who is always grateful but never really satisfied with your own work. I say this all the time. I’m proud of the work I’ve done. But I have just the right amount of self hate to know that I’m nothing special. All right, I have to hear my voice all the time. I am not somebody that is like in love with myself at all. I do like that I believe in what I do. And I believe in what we do at art of coaching me, Ali, Liz, everybody involved, we do not you guys BS, we know life is too short. So we’re very much that type. 


If you’re the type that always wonders what more you could have done. And you know, we’ll try to do anything to improve. Even if only the smallest way, anybody that’s just hard on yourself, you need this episode more than anyone, because we’re going to talk about how you can kind of unmind f yourself. And really make sure that you get some things done this year. And when everybody else is running around doing their fake resolutions and all the nonsense that’s going to be done by February, you’ll have made progress on some things. So here they are, they’re nothing mind blowing, but you probably need to hear them. Number one, be consistent. Right. 


This is something I shared with our coalition mastermind group, which is if you’re new to art of coaching, this is very much our long term group based mentoring program, where other coaches get together share ideas, share struggles, and kind of workshop ideas together. But I had made a note to one of them, really all of them. And I said I was thinking of some of them after reflecting on a recent call that we had, because we get on calls twice a month. And something worth considering that none of us can escape is at times, we always feel like we need to add something more to what we offer if we have a brand or a business, or that we have to add something more to our life or our skill set. And all these things, whatever you want to look at, right? 


And sometimes that works, right? We can think Alright, I’m gonna learn this year, I’m going to add this this year, we add art of coaching and make we’re going to offer this year. And sometimes it doesn’t, right, there’s some things that just don’t work. And we can stress out about it, we can feel like we could have done more we can for us we could fight where our business is, I know that my mind with art of coaching is where I want it to be three years from now. But I have to deal with where it is right now as well. Right and, and it’s successful. And I feel confident enough to say that I know we’re not supposed to say that in coaching, you’re not supposed to say those things. But guys, it’s been a long journey. 


It’s been a long journey, I faced a lot of hate early on, I decided to kind of break the mold, and stop just being a strength coach and go out and be a coach to a lot more folks who are dealing with a wider range of problems, whether that’s in their business, their relationships, or whatever some of you might want to chuckle and use the term life coach, we don’t use that term. We’re just coaches, and we help coaches get out of their own way with a lot of things. But it took three to four years for these things to take off. Yeah, the book took off. And that’s great. I’m grateful for all of you. I think we sold 500 copies signed and personalized copies of conscious coaching all over the world with our holiday promotion. 


But there are other things that you guys never see that flop right just like anybody we have things that we put out that flop tremendously. And then it can make you think Alright, well I need to do this. Now. I need to do that now. And we decided that this year, we’re not going to do any of that. We’re going to say Alright, what do we have that’s worked really well. And what are we going to just build that complements that right? We know for our workshop in March, for example. You could sign up for the two days or if you want Come have dinner at our house and do a separate kind of get to know you get invited into my world meet my family, like we’re actually going to cook for everybody, we’re going to cater some stuff in as well. 


We’re adding that as an option for people to purchase, because people have shown that they’ll pay money to kind of get that behind the scenes access. And in the past, I kind of wondered, well, is that right? Who am I to dictate if it’s right or not? It’s, for me, it’s my job to provide value, right? So if somebody says, Hey, I’d like to pay more if you’re doing like a VIP dinner, I’d like to come hang out with you learn more about your world. Like I sit there. And thank god, I’m not that interesting. But yeah, man, I guess I get that. Because there were so many times I wanted to just share ideas or kind of see behind the scenes in somebody’s life. So I could learn. And so we do that. And it’s been awesome. 


I mean, so many of you have bought things like that, where you’re like, Hey, man, I’d like to spend, you know, three days at your house, what would you charge for something in the past, I was so scared to charge for my time with anything. And we’ve seen a huge turnaround with that now, because of you guys because of your grace. And hopefully, it’s because we’ve shown you value with all the newsletters we’ve done. And all the podcast episodes we’ve done, we’ve shown you enough free value that you trust, the paid stuff that we do, but I just want to thank you. And I also want to inspire you, those of you that are still in the muck and mire of it because we all are to some degree, guys, you can’t rush some of this stuff. 


Every year, we’re hit with people that have these big goals and big dreams and kind of want to build their brand and all this. And you know, it starts with putting out, let’s do a newsletter, you’ve got to do that every week, or at least every month, you know, you’ve got to do a podcast, you can’t just start these things and stop them. Everybody starts with B. Think about that, for those of you that are strength coaches, all these athletes that want to get bigger, stronger, faster, more agile, whatever, if they just start working out, quit working out, like that’s not going to work. So I’m telling you guys, please just focus on laying a brick. Instead of building a wall. There’s a great story by Will Smith that talks about when he’s a child. 


And if you don’t know this random fact of the day, Will Smith got his name, his father’s name is Will as well. But he got his name because his father was very big on just overcoming adversity. So Will is really a testament to willpower. But he talks about how him and his brother every day, his dad would put them to work and they had to build this wall. They had to do the mortar, they had to add the lie, they had to do all this stuff wet the cement go through the mixture. It was just mind numbing work. And one day they were complaining and I’m very much just consolidating their story. And their dad her complaining that you know, this was never going to be done. 


And he said, quit thinking about the wall, just lay the damn bricks. And will said you know, that made a huge difference in my life. He goes when my marriage disintegrated, I thought about laying a brick when something else went wrong. And I didn’t get a movie role I laid a brick when you know another business deal went through, like, fell through I laid a brick he goes because I couldn’t always think about, if I thought about building a wall at all seemed intimidating. But I know that I can at least lay one damn brick really well. And, guys, we have to lay bricks every day, I was laid out with COVID. And you’re talking to somebody like, and I’m not getting into the politics of this right? I travel internationally and all this stuff. 


But you know, I vaccinated all this, my parents had all been boosted, vaccinated. And we all got COVID over the holidays. And here I am trying to meet deadlines for my book, trying to meet deadlines for my doctorate trying to bring you guys content, because you rely on me to do so and you expect me to do so and I don’t want to let you down. I have to be a dad. And I’m just like laid out, you know, and mainly just not able to think really well I had all these. So bottom line. What I did do is I was like alright, what can I do, I can lead our staff meetings, I can make sure and do our year end review and make sure that I lay out the vision really well. I can make sure that I can support people remotely, whether it’s by answering this email, taking care of these DMS, following up with leads if they want to attend our workshops, what is something I can do that day, even if it’s just helping my wife with the dishes? 


So what am I saying I’m saying get out a piece of paper and write down some categories in your life. Let’s say it’s you know, your with your house, right? Something that you do in your house or as a spouse, something that you do with a business something that you do as a coach, whatever your training, it could be whatever and lay out the lowest common denominator of what laying out a brick means. You know, if I’m really sick, and I can’t do that much, you know, laying a brick for me could be Well, I’m just going to list out some possible newsletter topics that we’re going to send to our audience this month. 


Maybe I don’t get a lot of writing done. One time I didn’t you know, I didn’t get any writing done for my doctorate this week, which was super disappointing. Because the last weekend December is usually my most productive week. Coaching is not very busy. My emails are quiet because everybody’s with family or kind of waiting for the year end. I was gonna get a lot done. This was a huge week for me and none of it had happened. But what I could do is read an article, what I could do is do some highlighting. So I just want you guys to like, think about where you can lay bricks, it’s cliche for a reason it’s true. All right, you’re gonna get sick, things are gonna go wrong, none of your plans are gonna go as you thought, right, you’re not going to beat the world overnight. And so just figure out where you can lay a brick. 


Alright, lay bricks for years. And that’s why I’m proud of where AOC is currently, still very hard. And I’m looking at some of you lovingly, some of you have digested our free content forever, and you haven’t paid for anything. But I still love you, I just got to lay more bricks to earn your trust and earn your business, right. And that’s not something we get better about. It’s something that we want to figure out. And we just know that some of you, it may take longer to earn your trust. Hopefully, we can do that we’re gonna keep laying bricks. That’s life. That’s business. That’s relationships, wouldn’t you know it? That’s coaching. All right. 


So as I told our coalition members, the ones that I noticed that continue to progress, and evolve, most are the ones that endure, they’re consistent, they don’t freak out. They don’t go for quick fixes. They embrace divergent thinking, and they show up call after call after call, and they stay engaged with others in our community. And that’s what I’m challenging you guys to do to at least if you want to have a better year, right? If you want to have a better year. Number two, right? Number two, ask for help. That’s an easy way to get better this year. But there’s a caveat also be a grown up. Can this be the year where you guys just don’t allow yourself to use the same excuse as you use year after year after year? 


A friend of mine who really started off as just a supporter that had read my book a few years back, reached out and we were having a conversation because he started his own business now. And we were just chatting about things used to work in professional sport. Now we does his own thing outside of coaching. But he had mentioned, I’d said  Where did you grow the most this year? And he said, simple man, I just I’ve tried to hold myself accountable on not making the same excuses I make year after year. And I said, Well, what do you mean by that? And he said, Well, do you remember when you know, I told you after I’d read your book that I wanted to get to one of your workshops. 


And then I told you that another year and another year and eventually he was saying I DM them and said, Hey, you tell me this every year, what’s it going to take for you to actually do it this year, because you keep reaching out to me with the same problems. I know, I sound super compassionate. But I mean, guys, that’s just my voice. You know, I’m gonna, it was the same way that I coach athletes, if they told me they wanted to do something, I’m going to hold them accountable. And he said, every year, I just told you that I was, you know, time, money time money. He said, What I found is it was never the money. Really, it was the fact that I was scared that I would spend the money, go to it and then not apply it. And that’s what I had to get better at is looking at everything I spent money on that year from an education or professional development standpoint, said, What am I actually going to apply? 


And what is actually going to differentiate me for him when he was in pro sport, you know, yeah, he could go to so many conferences and apply training tips and techniques, because there’s only so many different ways to load a bar. There’s only so many different ways to load an athlete. There’s only so many ways to make conditioning more challenging. And this and eventually, it’s all the same stuff again and again. And again, the human organism is not complicated, right? It’s very much like investing, right? There’s times where you invest more, there’s times where you pull back. With training, there’s times where you train harder and you pull back. We want to overcomplicate this stuff, but it’s all managing stress. It’s all managing our effort. 


But the bottom line is he said I had to grow up, I had to realize that I was spending money on a lot of conferences and clinics, it just made me feel safe. It told me stuff I already knew. I didn’t have to interact a bunch. And then I was wondering why I wasn’t getting better. And it was because I was just doing the same thing again and again. But I kept telling myself I was getting better because I spend the money. Because that’s performative, right? That’s performative. All of us struggle to find enough time and money to do everything we want to do. Right? I want to hire three more staff. We don’t have the money to do that right now. Right? So we all have some kind of limitation. 


I’m asking you to evaluate if you’re actually spending your time and money on the things you need to, what is it going to take for you to finally take this huge, scary risk. Because if you want to help in something like if I want help growing a certain part of my business, or let’s say, Liz, and I want to help in our marriage, I’m going to have to go pay, I might pay a counselor, we might pay a therapist, we wanted help with one part of our business, we paid and did that this year, last year 2021 I paid somebody to help me with my writing as it worked on my new book. I also paid somebody to help me with a speech more money than I had ever like. It’s kind of about just having confidence in yourself, guys. If you’re constantly scared that, oh, you know, I don’t want to pay this money for that because I don’t know if I use it. 


That’s a confidence problem. That’s not a money problem. And that’s okay, it’s natural. We all have confidence issues at times, but it’s not okay to just do it again and again and again and again and make the same excuses. Right. They say the best things in life are free. Great. The most valuable lessons you learn in life are are expensive, they are going to cost you time, your ego efficiency, maybe your reputation or money. Now, the only difference is out of those five things. One of those is proactive, okay? You typically, if you don’t want to learn these lessons, you’re gonna learn them one way or another, you’re gonna lose time, your ego is gonna get hit, your efficiency is going to be down, your reputation is gonna be hurt. Or you could just spend the money upfront to learn the things you know, you need to learn and do the things you need to do, or get the coach you need to get to make sure that you decrease the likelihood of you embarrassing yourself, or being stagnant. 


I love all of you. But some of you just gotta wake up to that. I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I hear it all the time. And it leads into well, let me just say this, it’s why you shouldn’t apologize for what you charge. Right or what you ask for for salary or anything like that, as long as you bring the goods. And that’s why we don’t apologize for what we charge. We don’t we give so much away for free guys, we’re never gonna feel bad about the things that we charge for the price is the price. And that’s because we hold ourselves even if we price something at $10,000, Ali and me we’re like we’re gonna hold ourselves accountable to delivering on a value is something that gives you twice that value, will we always win? 


No, not everybody’s gonna be happy with our product. Right? We have off days, but you damn well better believe we’re bringing that effort. So please, get the help you need this year, invest in yourself, actually, this year, whatever that is, right. The other one, I’m missing the last one. Can this be the year that we bring manners back and I’m referencing my phone here if you’re watching online, because I’m trying to pull up a note and a text, right. And I’m not gonna mince my words, you I’ve spent too much time in the past, apologizing. And I’ll give you what I mean, as an example. In the past, there’s one episode where I went on and on about how there’s a certain amount of decorum missing, when we’ll get riddled with DMS, where people will say, hey, what advice do you have for a new coach? 


And in one episode, I kind of went off and said, that I’m from the Midwest, right? So I’m gonna qualify that, like we’re raised with a certain manner of speaking, never in my life, would I ever think to reach out to somebody that I respect or admire or actually want help from even if you don’t respect or admire them, but I don’t know why you’d reach out for help if you don’t respect or admire somebody, and not use their name, or not lead with some kind of reciprocity and all this. And it’s really what led us to creating the the Find a mentor guide, we’ll put this in the show notes. So go to, if you know somebody that really needs to work on their manners, or you have interns or people like that, you know, need some help with their writing and their outreach. 


And but going back to this, what I’m not going to apologize about is I went off on this episode about why people think that’s okay. And I got lit up on social media by some people saying, well, you know, that person might not know any better, you shouldn’t judge, you know, you talk about art of coaching. That’s judgey. And, you know, give them some, just give them some room, maybe they need to grow. Maybe they don’t know what they don’t know, guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. And to a degree, I agree with you. But they’re people understand the concept of manners. Some of this stuff is just common sense. And it’s not just young coaches, it really isn’t. It’s not young coaches at all. We get people that reach out just recently, somebody reached out to be on the podcast, and every year, we get requests, and you guys have your own version of this 


Whether somebody wants to intern with you work with you work for you, whatever. And they will pitch themselves. And this individuals like, Hey, I think we’d do awesome. Together, we’d have a great conversation. And I said, Hey, thanks for reaching out. I got to ask you, though, do you listen to the podcast? Well, no. And I appreciated their honesty. But guys, think about that. Would you ever go apply for a job? For a company unless you were desperate? That’d be in the key word. Would you ever go apply for a job for a company that you really don’t have a lot of information on? You’d never utilize their products? You’re not familiar with it? Anything like that? Well, then why the hell? Would you ask to be on a podcast you don’t listen to? 


Let me give you the answer. It’s because there are people out there that just want to self promote. And we’ve seen this we’ve swung and we’ve missed in the past, we’ve had people come on, especially early days when we were still figuring it out. And we were happy to get their word out and their story out, but there was no reciprocity. They didn’t want to share. They didn’t want to do this. And you know, this somebody in your life, right, who have you helped, that there’s just no reciprocity. And so you know, what I’m trying to tell you is if you’re trying to grow professionally, right, or if you’re trying to expand your personal network as well. Be cognizant about how you’re reaching out to people, be cognizant, use their name, offer them reciprocity 


If I reach out to be on somebody else’s podcast, you better damn believe it’s a podcast I’ve listened to. I know, certain episodes that have helped me the most. And we’re on to you tricksters out there that tried doing this to us, by the way, we actually give them information like, hey, these episodes resonated specifically these points about this and this and this. Additionally, here’s where I think I could get your provide your audience with value. But instead we get people to reach out all the time. And sometimes guys, it’s even caused me to lop friends off my contact list. Because we make a very conscious effort to not just bring friends on here. 


So do not reach out to us if you just want to get on the podcast, so you can promote yourself, reach out to us, if you’ve listened to it, you understand who our audience is, right? I’m never going to disrespect you guys like this, my listeners, by bringing somebody on that is not cognizant of giving you guys value. Not anymore, at least I made those mistakes. So I encourage you guys to go back and listen to our episode about how to reach out to people you admire or how to reach out to a mentor. But we’ve got to bring manners back. We’ve got to bring manners back. And that’s also goes back to number two, if you want help guys offer something in return to people like we’ve got like in society, we’re dehumanizing ourselves a lot. 


And I don’t give a shit how good your resume is, who you’ve worked with who vouches for you, if you don’t have good interpersonal skills, and you don’t have good manners, you’re not making it through, you’re not somebody that we’re interested in working with, you’re not somebody that’s gonna get help from us, you’ve got to be a human being. And you’ve got to put the time in to really master interpersonal skills. Right, and this is coming from somebody that’s messed it up myself, there’s been plenty of faux pas. The difference is, is that we continue to work on that. Now that said, I am a softy, I am a softy. So if you are a young strength coach listening or a young coach, but this one is actually mainly for young strength coaches. 


If you want advice on how to be a better coach and all that, just go to our website, you can go to, or, go to their free resources tab. And you will see all that advice, we will also make sure to link the advice and some of those things in the show notes. And guys, I know kind of a ranty episode, but that’s that, you know, the tips have started the year. And I welcome you to tell me where this is some bad advice. I challenged myself but you’re not going to convince me that telling people to just be more consistent this year, ask for help, but invest in themselves and quit making excuses. And to bring manners back and how you interact, how you reach out to others. How you approach people, how you show respect, are not good pieces of advice. 


Because I’m telling you, no matter who gets ahead of you, who you think is ahead of you who you think’s beating you in your field, or this and that, guys, the people that don’t do those things fall off, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen it. I’ve seen people do a lot of things that get them massive success early on. But then they don’t pay attention to the intangibles. They don’t pay attention to the things that we all roll our eyes at. Or they’re just not consistent. They burn out over time. And they don’t ask for the right help they start just fading into the background. And it is all too common. 


I hope you understand I tell you this convicting message out of love. My job is to help you guys and bring you no nonsense advice. I understand my tones not for everybody. I try not to bring this tone every episode. But we do try to be convicting because when you’re 90 years old, and you’re on your deathbed, you’re gonna think about what are the things that mattered in my life? What are the things that mattered in my life? That’s the stuff we want to bring you telling you how to interact more successfully. bet on yourself, get out of your own way. These are the things that you don’t want to regret when your final moments are up. 


You’re not going to sit there and say I wish I would have programmed this back squat differently. You’re not going to wish that you listened to one more podcast, the same celebrity that wrote the same leadership book pretty much three years in a row again and again and again. You’re gonna care about the things that matter the core human being fundamentals, and you’re gonna find them here at I appreciate all you guys happy new year. More to come in the future. Talk to you soon.

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