Brett Bartholomew
E93 | The Sin of Self Promotion
Promotion is not only a good thing, it’s absolutely necessary.
Yes, you read that right.
Today we are diving deep into the (perhaps not so) dark side of a taboo topic: self-promotion. If just hearing this word makes you want to tear your hair out… this one’s for you. Regardless of your stance, I promise this episode will make you think twice about the importance of putting yourself and your work out there.
Today we cover:
- Why the word / concept of (self) promotion has gotten such a bad rap
- The excuses we use for not self-promoting
- Tips for tactful (self) promotion
- Why putting skin in the game and screwing somebody over are not the same thing
Speaking of promotion… We are hosting our first post-quarantine apprenticeship July 25-26th in Charleston, SC. Join us for a weekend of self-discovery and learn how to be a more agile communicator. Regardless of your role or profession, this workshop will change the way you interact, communicate and lead others. Check out the link below, we can’t wait to see you there!
And if you haven’t heard, we now offer online training! Through a partnership with TrainHeroic, we’ve created an online library of videos and training plans for people who want real world strength but also have real world schedules. Head to the link below and check it out!
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