Customized Guidance From Our Team

Helping You Navigate The Messy Realities of Leadership

Build Trust. Save Time. Make an Impact.

Research makes it clear:

Those who are socially agile and power literate achieve more success and sustainability within their careers. Learn to “play in the gray™” more effectively.

The best leaders know that achieving success is not a passive process.

Personalized Mentoring

Step 1 of 3

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Looking for group Mentoring?

Check out “The Coalition™”

Join a community of likeminded leaders who are committed to refining their craft and sharing their knowledge.

  • Unrestricted access to your choice of one of Brett’s flagship online courses, Bought In or Valu(ed) ($497+ value)
  • Weekly or bi-weekly calls* with Brett recorded & accessible for easy review ($500+ value)
  • Check-ins and guidance on monthly assignments related to your goals and aims
  • An expanded network of qualified professionals mutually invested in personal and professional growth
  • Private Facebook group reserved only for members of The Coalition™
  • Dedicated support team for questions and technical support
  • First access and discounted rates to live events and materials
  • A retreat, (meals and lodging covered by Art of Coaching), with Brett & the rest of The Coalition™
  • Opportunities for collaboration and/or guidance on projects and programs

*Frequency and quantity of calls dependent on which level of Coalition you join